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Poems on Daniel Index


  Poems on the Book of Daniel by Rex H. Henderson

Introduction to Daniel: Lyrical Reflections on the Man, His Times, and Message

by Dr. Barry Lumsden

             Most Americans, including the unchurched, agnostics, skeptics, and even atheists, are somewhat familiar with  the Old Testament book of Daniel.  It would indeed be difficult to find someone who has not read about, or heard about, Daniel in the lion’s den.  Or Daniel and his companions in the fiery furnace.  For centuries and millennia, these memorable stories have become part of the storehouse of biblical knowledge of believers and unbelievers alike. 

            Daniel was, and continues to be, a voice of great hope to the people of God in exile.  Writing to the Hebrews in the Diaspora, Daniel affirms that Yahweh is sovereign and in control of the affairs of individuals and nations.  The day will come when the forces of evil will be crushed and the Most High God will rule and reign throughout the earth.

            In this his most recent work, Pastor Henderson captures a few of the trying experiences of young Daniel and translates them into verse.  Although not a technical verse-by-verse commentary, Daniel: Lyrical Reflections on the Man, His Times, and Message represents what, by any reckoning, is a new and fresh approach to understanding the struggles of the Jewish people and their plight in ancient Babylon.  In his consistently unpretentious manner, brother Henderson contributes to our understanding of how God insinuates Himself into the everyday lives of His people (individually and collectively) to protect them and to glorify His wonderful name. 

            Considering the inextricable connection between Old Testament Daniel and the New Testament Revelation of Jesus Christ, Daniel: Lyrical Reflections on the Man, His Times, and Message should be read in conjunction with Henderson’s earlier work, Reflections on the Revelation. 

D. Barry Lumsden, Ed.D
Professor of Higher Education
University of North Texas
Denton, Texas


(c) Rex H. Henderson 2004 - All poems are copyrighted by Rex H. Henderson and are used by permission.

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