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Poems on Daniel Index


  Poems on the Book of Daniel by Rex H. Henderson


 The Battle Ground

Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon,
Besieged Jerusalem and carried away
Important people as prisoners, and
Articles from the temple of God.

Nebuchadnezzar showed that he
Was sovereign of all the earth.
His glory had now led him to
Believe he was greater than God.

The heathen god had triumphed.
He was sovereign. But was he?
Jehovah God is the God of all
Miracles supremely sovereign.

As we shall see in the unfolding
Chapters, the fortunes of kings
And the affairs of men are
Subject to God’s decrees.

God is in charge of human
Affairs and was perfectly able to
Deliver his people from pagan
Oppression during their captivity.



(c) Rex H. Henderson 2004 - All poems are copyrighted by Rex H. Henderson and are used by permission.

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