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Poems on Daniel Index


  Poems on the Book of Daniel by Rex H. Henderson


Prominence and Persecution

The Kingdom of Babylon had
Disappeared and removed from
The number one spot in the world.
The Medo-Persian Empire rules.

This Empire gained prominence,
And Daniel was promoted to
Prime Minister over 120 princes
Appointed to the provinces.

Daniel was a Spirit-filled man
Now placed next to the king in
Position and power, but a spirit
Of jealousy arose to discredit him.

No fault could be found to pull down
Except his fidelity to the laws of God.
Christians are accused of doing things
Other people do not believe in.

Sometimes we are accused of laziness
And negligence. If so we need to
Confess our sins and have it cleansed
And forgiven by Jesus Christ.

You and I live in a lion’s cage.
The cage is the world, and there is
A big roaring lion prowling about.
Peter calls him our adversary, the Devil.




(c) Rex H. Henderson 2004 - All poems are copyrighted by Rex H. Henderson and are used by permission.



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