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Poems on Daniel Index


  Poems on the Book of Daniel by Rex H. Henderson


“Son of Man”

One would not expect Daniel’s view
Of the Lord Jesus Christ to be in the
Old Testament. Up to now it is the
High point of the book of Daniel.

Who is this son of man? He is the
Son of God and the son of man.
The term is identified with the
The saints of the Most High.

Humanity had failed to be saints
Of the Most High God. The nation of
Israel failed to be true mankind.
The remnant itself proved to be elusive.

Finally Jesus stood alone “embodying
In his own person the perfect human
Response to the regal claims of God.
It meant suffering and death.

Through suffering and death.
It was the Father’s good pleasure
To give Him the kingdom and to
The saints of the Most High.

In the future you will see the
Son of Man sitting on the right
hand of the mighty One and
coming on the clouds of heaven.




(c) Rex H. Henderson 2004 - All poems are copyrighted by Rex H. Henderson and are used by permission.



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