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Poems on Daniel Index


  Poems on the Book of Daniel by Rex H. Henderson


 The Wrap-up of an Era

Chapters 8-12 focuses on prophecy
Of the end time. Symbolic elements
Are difficult to interpret, but there
Are some practical lessons for us.

The Ram represents the Median-
Persian empire. The goat the Greek
Empire which brings the end to the
Jewish era by great persecution.

The little horn of this chapter is symbolic
The Greek kingdom. Antiochus Epiphanes,
The king, uprooted Temple worship,
And erected the idol of Zeus.

He desecrated the altar by offering
Swine upon it, and the Idol became
Known to the Jews as the abomination
Of desolation.

Daniel predicts the end of Antiochus
Saying, he will be destroyed, but
Not by human power.
He died
Suddenly of natural causes.



(c) Rex H. Henderson 2004 - All poems are copyrighted by Rex H. Henderson and are used by permission.



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