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Poems on Daniel Index


  Poems on the Book of Daniel by Rex H. Henderson


The Praying Prophet

In the last chapter Daniel was
Struck with sickness. He was
Appalled when he understood
The visions of the ram and the goat.

As a result Daniel began
To read the book of Jeremiah,
And learned that the Babylonian
Captivity would last seventy years.

He concluded that the end of
Captivity would come to an end
Within three years and then his
People would return to Jerusalem.

Daniel, eighty years of age would
Not return to his home land, but
Found great comfort that his
People would go back.

Daniel prayed for the very thing
The Bible had assured him
Would happen. He did something
About it. He turned to prayer.

Prayer is the only force that has
Penetrated outer space to the throne
Of God.
I think Daniel on his knees
Reached the very throne of God.




(c) Rex H. Henderson 2004 - All poems are copyrighted by Rex H. Henderson and are used by permission.



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