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  Poems on the Book of Daniel by Rex H. Henderson


The Climax of the King’s Dream

The rock that destroyed the feet of
The statue grew into a mountain
That filled the whole earth, and
Becomes the kingdom of eternal reign.

This is the rock that broke the iron,
The bronze, the clay, the silver and
Gold to pieces. The rock of Neb’s
Dream is Jesus Christ; divine hands.

Jesus came to earth in the days of
The Roman Empire, and the true
Church of Christ has expanded to
Fill the earth which is overdue.

The empires of the world have not
Fallen, nor broken into pieces.
No world catastrophe has happened.
No sudden power has been released.

Let us break their chains…and throw
Off their fetters.
Jesus Christ will
Return and the kingdoms of this
World will be broken up, but not until.

Our wise course is to recognize that
The kingdom of the world has become
The  kingdom of our Lord and his
Christ. Kiss the Son
in devotion.




(c) Rex H. Henderson 2004 - All poems are copyrighted by Rex H. Henderson and are used by permission.



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