"That we may present every person complete in Christ."
great things from God!
Attempt great things for God!"
--- William Carey
Abide in Christ
is dedicated to the
proclamation of the Good News of Jesus Christ and
making disciples of all nations, teaching them the
Word of God to His glory (Philippians 2:9-11; John
14:6; Acts 4:12; Romans 11:36).
Jesus said, "Just as the Father has loved Me, I have
also loved you; abide in My love" (John 15:9).
form for Abide in Christ. Here is the best way
to contact us. We would love to hear from you.
- Evangelism in Chingazo Alto community with Guyaquil Peniel Seminary evangelism team.
- Do the Work of an Evangelist Ecuadorian Evangelism Team Report September 2024 Ripe for Harvest Report by Dr. John Howell
- Workman Approved of God Peniel Seminary 2024 Graduation and full accreditation ceremony
- Right Person in the Right Place April 2024 Nicargua Evangelism in Depth Report
- That They May Know Him - John Howell Ecuador Spring 2024 Report
- Expect Great Things from God Medical dental evangelism team report on March 2024 work in Riobamba, Ecurador.
- I Love to Tell the Story Pray for Abide in Christ evangelism teams for 2024 in Nicaragua, Ecuador, Bolivia.
- Come and Celebrate with the Angels in Heaven Medical dental evangelism report on October 2023 team in Ecuador. Dr. John Howell I Love to Tell the Story Oct 2023 Team Report
- Go and Preach to all the Nations 13th Annual Abide in Christ Bible Conference at Peniel Seminary and Seminary Graduation July 2023.
- To Be Used of God April 2023 PDF report on how we teach pastors and church leaders personal evangelism in northern Nicaragua with Dr. John Howell and Aristides Bustillo. One minute video testimony of school teacher who attended the Sunday School evangelism training session at Belen Baptist Church on Easter Sunday 2023. She will teach personal evangelism in her church in Managua. Video testimony by school teacher.
- The Joy of Ministry Medical dental evangelism team report on March 2023 team to Guayaquil, Ecuador. John Howell Making Known the Good News report on March mission team.
- When Angels Rejoice! Medical dental evangelism Ecuador October 2022 team report.
- Peniel Seminary Evangelism Teams in Guayaquil and Riobamba Oct. 2022
- Rejoicing in Christ! 12th Annual Abide in Christ Bible Conference at Peniel Seminary in Riobamba, Ecuador, and the Riobamba campus graduation July 2022
- Graduation of first students at Peniel Seminary Extension in Guayaquil May 2022 Picture of Third floor of Education Building in Riobamba complete!
- Facebook Link 3 Minute Video Graduation
- Ecuador Mission Team Report November 2021 More pictures in Part two of report. Team report includes medical-dental, 10th Annual Abide in Christ Pastor Leadership conference at Peniel Theological Seminary and graduation. PDF of the Power Point presentation of the November Ecuador Team Report.
- With thanksgiving for the Lord providing sufficient funds to construct the second floor of the classroom building at Peniel Theological Seminary in Riobamba, Ecuador. On May 1, 2021 Peniel began construction of the much needed second floor. Please praise the Lord with us. Also, please pray for the government and people of Ecuador during the Covid crisis. Your Partnership in the Gospel is the latest report as of July 26, 2021.
- UPDATE July 29, 2021 Video of the Cafeteria-assembly building and first two floors of the classroom building 4 minutes
- Please be in prayer for the 10th Annual Abide in Christ Pastor Leadership Conference at Peniel Theological Seminary scheduled for November 2021. This will be a medical-dental-evangelism team, Bible conference, and the 2020-21 graduation of seminary students.
- July 8, 2021 VIDEO Second floor construction of classroom building. Third floor floor completed, and walls are being build this week. Thank you Lord, and thanks to faithful Christians who made made it possible.
- Construction of second floor of classroom building at Peniel Seminary as of June 18, 2021. PDF report consists of photos of construction work.
- PRAISE THE LORD! We are holding classes in the two new buildings on the new campus at Peniel Theological Seminary in Riobamba, Ecuador. Classes started on January 16, 2021. Classes were also taught at the extension in the port city of Guayaquil the same week, and at the extension in the capital city of Quito.
- Prayer and Praise with Damaso is a picture report from our Bolivian missionary colleague who is Academic Dean and professor of missions and evangelism at Peniel.
- Please continue to pray for the the Lord's direction for 2021. Please pray for the country of Ecuador, its citizens, the evangelical churches, pastors and believers. A number of the Quichua pastors have gone to be with the Lord in this pandemic. Some of the students, faculty and families at Peniel Theological Seminary have become ill. Wil is teaching classes using Zoom with Peniel Seminary Board of Trustees and professors. Also, please pray for the ministry in Honduras and Nicaragua.
- Please Pray. We are planning on our evangelism, medical-dental, and construction teams from the U.S. serving in future ministries as soon as international travel is resumed. Our evangelism teams are excited and are ready to return as soon as the doors open.
- Peniel Seminary Construction Video mp4 Five minute video of the construction of the first floor of the new class room building as of Dec. 29, 2020.We began using the first two buildings on January 16, 2021. PRAISE THE LORD!
- UPDATE on San Juan de Guabug Mission started by Peniel Seminary graduates and Abide in Christ medical dental evangelism team.
- New Peniel Seminary Building in Use The new dual purpose cafteria-church building on the Peniel Seminary campus was first used by Nuevo Amanecer Quechua Church Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020. The Annual Student Faculty Retreat used the building on Nov. 15, 2020. We praise the Lord for this timely provision. In this report are pictures of the construction on the classroom building. Concrete is being poured on the roof and walls as I write this report.
- God at Work at Peniel Seminary PDF Because of coronavirus we can no longer make evangelism trips at the present time. However, work has continued on the construction of the first two buildings a the seminary. Here is the update as of November 2020.
- God at Work in Coronavirus PDF in Ecuador as Peniel Theological Seminary completes construction of the first building on its campus. This multipurpose building will serve as a building for a new bilingual church meeting on the campus and the cafeteria. In August 2020 construction began on the first floor of the classroom building.
- God's Perfect Timing in Ecuador PDF Medical Dental Evangelism in February 2020 was a demonstration how God is using the Peniel Theological Seminary's Department of Missions and Evangelism. We returned to the U.S. just before borders were closed.
- Abide in Christ medical dental evangelism team in el Ecuador October 10-16, 2019. Available to be Used of God PDF
- Peniel Theological Seminary 9th Annual Abide in Christ Student Conference. This year included Peniel Seminary Youth Day. PDF Followup Report on August medical dental team by Peniel Guyaquil students with professor of evangelism Damaso Francisco and Alejandro Guacho PDF
- What a joy to preach the Gospel of the Grace of God PDF. Here is an update on the Abide in Christ teams in Ecuador. We praise the Lord for the Ecuadorian pastors and seminary students who follow-up on our Abide in Christ teams.
- Praise the Lord for the Bible Conference for the leaders at Hebron Baptist Church in Tegucigalpa, Honduras in November 2018. Calling out the Called PDF
- Praise the Lord for the October Medical Dental evangelism team with Dr. John Howel. Christ's Ambassadors in Ecuador PDF
- Praise the Lord for the Unquenchable Flame PDF as Peniel Theological Seminary students begin evangelism outreach teams inviting Abide in Christ medical dental teams to join them in Pallatanga, Guayaquil, and Yaruqui.
- Dr. Rick Cain joined Wil for the 8th Annual Abide in Christ Pastor Leadership Conference at Peniel Theological Seminary July 28- August 3, 2018. The conference was on personal evangelism and church planting. At the conference we organized the New Evangelism and Missions Department at Peniel Seminary PDF.
- We continue to teach Bible courses at Peniel Theological Seminary in Ecuador, and work with students to open new mission churches. Peniel has opened a new extension in the central part of the capital city of Quito, and a second extension in Pallatanga. Rejoice with us, and praise the Lord as you read the following reports with pictures. Hudson Taylor lived and ministered by the principle: "God's work done in God's way will never lack God's supply." Therefore, we simply testify, I saw God do it! Proposed building for Peniel Seminary in Riobamba.
- Thank you for praying for Your Ministry in el Ecuador PDF We are excited about the response of the Ecuadorians who joined the Medical Dental Team in March 2018. Wil also taught the Peniel Theological Seminary course on 1 Corinthians at the Pentag Extension. Here is the March 2018 medical team report by Dr. John Howell SENDme! PDF. John also serves as the President of the Board of Abide in Christ, Inc. Wil Pounds is Director of Missions.
- The Goal of Christ-centered Ministries PDF is evangelism and discipleship. Wil taught two courses for Peniel Seminary in January 2018, and preached in Quichua churches in Riobamba.
- In October, our Evangelistic Health Ministry Team returned Ecuador and followed-up on our work in Alao, Ecuador. A new ministry was begun in Pantano. Evangelism in Hard Places PDF Dr. John Howell's report He Who Sows and He Who Reaps Rejoice Together
- In September, Wil presented an 8-day conference on sound doctrine and the cults at Hebron Baptist Church in Tegucigalpa, Honduras. This was a follow-up on the week long personal evangelism conference in Septembe 2016. A Biblically Sound Church PDF
- Praise the Lord for Wil's new "Missionary" Visa for Ecuador. Thank you for praying and seeing the Lord provide. The dream began April 10, 1960. I Dreamed a Dream PDF.
- Praise the Lord for the 7th Annual Abide in Christ Pastor Leadership Conference at Peniel Theological Seminary PDF July 31-Aug 4th, 2017. Dr. Rick Cain joined Wil and Richard and Cindy Aguilar as featured speakers. We also gradued 14 students studentes on Wednesday night.
- A Passion to Learn God's Word PDF Peniel Theological Seminary Students have an enduring passion to learn God's Word. Praise the Lord for the purchase of greatly needed property. Paid in Full!
- God's Team in Alao, Ecuador PDF Our medical-dental-evangelism team report on March 2017 trip. Please continue to pray for follow-up by our Ecuadorian team members. Wil also presented a conference on personal witnessing and eternal security in Santo Domingo, and preached in Quichua churhes in Riobamba. Dr. John Howell That Their Eyes May See PDF
- Joy - Unspeakable Joy PDF Wil taught course on Christian Ethics at Peniel Seminary extension in Guayaquil, and a conference on doctrine in Santo Domingo, Ecuador.
- Fire on the Mountain PDF is the report on Abide in Christ and Peniel Theological Seminary dental evangelism team ministy in Ecuador in October 2016.
- Mission on the Mountain PDF is the dental evangelism report by Dr. John Howell.
- Abide in Christ Evangelism Workshops in Tegucigalpa, and Danli, Hondeuras. PDF
Praise the Lord for provisions for purchase of property for Peniel
Seminary in Riobamba, Ecuador.
Las Crusitas Bible Institute in Honduras and the city of Talanga
Evangelism Workshops four cities in Nicaragua
Evangelism Team in Lepaterique, Honduras
Evangelism Workshops with Nicaraguan Baptist pastors in Ocotal
Evangelism Team Witnessing in Danli and Zapotillo
Evangelism and Construction Team Danli & Zapotillo January 2009
Evangelism Team in Palacaguina, Nicargua
Door-to-Door Evangelism Team at Las Acacias report by Dr. John Howell
Church that Meets in Pablo's House
Two New Missions Completed in Honduras
God at Work in Two New Mission Starts in Honduras
Evangelism Conference in Nicaragua
Gospel Outreach in
Regions BeyondMedical Dental Evangelism and Church Growth
Graduation of Students
New Mission ChurchesPreach the Gospel in Season
and OutMission Outreach in Danli, Honduras
Biblical Preaching & Teaching Course - Follow-up on Zapotillo
Baptist Mission Started in Zapotillo, Honduras
Children's Bible Classes in Danli, Honduras
Baptism of new believers in Danli, Honduras
Bible Institute Courses by Extension
Juan Alberto Herrera's Testimony
First Bible Institute Course taught at Danli January 2005
Seminary Extension Courses in Managua, Nicaragua
Christian Missionaries and Missionary Christians by Tom Ascol
"We never test the resources of God until we attempt the impossible"
-- F. B. Meyer_____
"We must do something!
Expect great things from God! Attempt great things for God!" -- William Carey,
father of the modern missionary movement._____
"Anything God has ever done He can do now. Anything He has ever done anywhere, He can do here! Anything God has ever done for anyone He can do for us" - A. W. Tozer
March 1, 2009 - We give praise to the Lord Jesus Christ for the completion of two new buildings in Honduras. Alpha and Omega Baptist Church has a new workshop center completed, and the Baptist mission at Zapotillo has a secure home for the pastor and his family. Two evangelism teams passed out tracts and witnessed from door to door in the subdivision around the home church in Danli and the town of Zapotillo. Many first time decisions were made. The national pastors are following up on the work. Plans are being made for medical-dental-evangelism teams to work in Zapotillo in 2010. Evangelism Team Witnessing in Danli and Zapotillo Evangelism and Construction Team Danli & Zapotillo January 2009
- January 1, 2009 - Pray for three construction and evangelism teams working in Honduras, January 22- February 17, 2009. A worship center will be built in Danli, and a pastor's home in Zapotillo. Evangelism teams will do children's Bible classes and door to door evangelism in Las Acacias and Zapotillo. Please pray for these teams and the Lord's provision.
- September 21, 2008 - Pray for Evangelism Teams, VBS and construction team for February 2009 in Honduras. Also pray for an evangelism team for Lepaterique for the summer of 2009.
September 19, 2008 - Report from Dr. John Howell on Evangelism in Depth team in Honduras. Door-to-Door Evangelism Team at Las Acacias report by Dr. John Howell Also report from Evangelism Team in Palacaguina, Nicaragua
July 27, 2008 - Pray for Evangelism in Depth workshops planned for Nicaragua August 23-31 and September 1-6 in Honduras. A team from Woodland Heights Baptist Church in Conway, AR will be working with Wil in Honduras.
July 1, 2008 - Pray for the Church that Meets in Pablo's House in Lepaterique, Honduras. Every Sunday afternoon at 3:00 a group meets for worship service and Bible study. Thirty pastors and church leaders attended the Evangelism Workshop in June.
May 28, 2008 - Pray for Evangelism Workshop and evangelistic campaign in Honduras May 30-June 7, 2008. Also, a church construction project is planned for February 2009 in Danli, Honduras for Alpha and Omega Baptist Church. This will include construction, VBS and evangelistic meetings.
March 30, 2008 - Pray for Evangelism Workshops planned for Nicaragua in August and in Honduras in June and September.
February 9, 2008 - Work completed on two mission churches in Zapotillo and Las Acacias subdivision in Danli, Honduras. The Zapotillo Baptist Mission building in Zapotillo was dedicated on Monday, February 4th. The Las Acacias Baptist Mission building was dedicated on Thursday, February 7th. We praise the Lord for the provision of funds for the completion of these buildings. Two Mission Churches Completed
January 1, 2008 - Please pray daily for six weeks of ministry in Honduras. The foundations for the two mission churches have been finished. January 1st the walls will be constructed for the Zapotillo Baptist Mission. January 7th the Las Acacias Baptist Mission will be constructed. January 13th the Medical-Dental-Evangelism team will begin ministering in Zapotillo. January 19-24 seminary extension students will work at follow-up and discipleship in Zapotillo. Wil will teach an Evangelism Workshop in Ocotal, Nicaragua and January 19-24 the Lake Village Baptist Church team will construct the roofs for the two missions.
Praise the Lord for His provision of funds to build two Baptist mission churches in Honduras. We need two construction teams to lay cinder blocks for January 1, 2008. A second team will build metal trusses and metal roofs on the churches the last week of January. A medical dental evangelism team from First Baptist Church, McGehee, AR will work in Zapotillo, January 12-19, 2008. Pray for wisdom and guidance for these teams. God at Work in Two New Mission Starts in Honduras
At the request of pastors and church leaders in Nicaragua we will begin courses in September. Please pray for wisdom as Wil prepares a special three day workshop on personal evangelism for these pastors. It is being developed with the idea that these pastors will be able to take the workbook and teach in their churches. He is also preparing part two of the course on the Gospel of John for pastors in Honduras. Pray for funds to print these courses and workbooks for students. We provide these free of charge to rural pastors and church leaders. Our goal is to provide the evangelism workbooks free of charge to all students in these rural churches where the pastors return to teach. Evangelism Workshops in Honduras and Nicaragua
May 24 - June 2 Wil taught two courses to pastors and church leaders in Danli, Honduras. The new course on part one of the Gospel of John was well received. Pastors from Choluteca, San Pedro de Sula and Danli also studied personal evangelism. Gospel in Regions Beyond.
January 1, 2007 - Pray for Juan Alberto and Wil as they work with the Southeast Arkansas Medical Dental Evangelism team in northern Honduras January 13-18. Juan will provide music for evangelism outreach and Will will be preaching and translating for pastors from the U.S. The following week Wil and Alberto will be teaching the Letters of John to pastors and church leaders in Danli, Honduras. Medical Dental Evangelism and Church Growth
At the December board meeting of Abide in Christ we provided funds to purchase two pieces of property to build worship buildings for two missions of Alpha and Omega Baptist Church. After two years of persecution and the murder of two men the Lord has reopened another preaching location in a small village. A couple of deacons will be conducting weekly Bible studies there. In January I will teach an intensive course on the Letters of the Apostle John. This will be the beginning of an advanced series of courses on books of the Bible for pastors and church leaders.
November 20, 2006 - Wil taught a course on the doctrine of the Church and introduced another course on Church History beginning with Acts. The students will spend the next two months studying these text books and completing assigned tasks. We had a beautiful graduation service for those who have completed the ten courses for Pastors and Church Leadership. Graduation of Students New Mission Churches
October 1, 2006 - Please pray for our for classes scheduled for November 2-18. Pray for anointing of the Lord, wisdom and guidance as Wil teaches two courses on Church Ministry Administration and Education and a course on Survey of Church History. Also, pray for the Lord's guidance in preparations for new evangelism saturation ministries in Nicaragua and Honduras.
July 1-7, 2006 - I cease to be amazed at how much ministry God can pack into one week. The course on Bible Doctrine for pastors and church leaders focused on the Trinity and salvation. God opened door to preach to 225 workers in a tobacco field in Trojes, Honduras. We distributed New Testaments and we baptized new believers. Preach the Gospel in Season and Out and Mission Outreach in Danli, Honduras.
June 1, 2006 - Please pray for wisdom as we seek God's direction for 2007. June 29-July 7, 2006 Wil returns to Honduras to teach the course on Bible Doctrine. The students will then continue studying the text book and working in groups until the first week in September when he will teach the next course. After the courses in September and November we will have graduation for those who will have completed the 10 course in this cycle. Gabe Churchwell will also work with us to distribute New Testaments and share the plan of salvation with over 100 agricultural workers in Trojes.
Praise the Lord for excellent ministry to students in the course on "Personal Spiritual Life and Pastoral Ministry" taught on April 1-7, 2006. The timing of the course was perfect for needs in a rural church without leadership that meets 7 hours away from Danli. A student will return with timely and Bible centered content for the rural mountain village church where he is a member. Also, some of our students and a deacon at Alpha and Omega Baptist Church have started a new mission in a large new subdivision in Danli, Honduras. Please pray for Blanca, Santos, Juan Alberto and other believers as they conduct Bible studies in home and preach in open air meetings and show gospel films.
March 30, 2006 - Please pray for Wil's classes on the "Personal Spiritual Life and Pastoral Ministry" for rural pastors and church leaders in Danli, Honduras, April 1-7, 2006. We praise the Lord for his provisions for this trip. Pray for wisdom, guidance, leading of the Holy Spirit this week. Pray for students.
- We need small construction and evangelism team to work with us in rural towns and villages in Latin America.
We will provide all logistics for the team, purchase of tickets, exit permits, professional documents, etc. Each person joining the team will be responsible for securing his own funds to cover air travel, room and board, and any personal expenses.
If you sense the Lord would have you be a part of any
of these opportunities to serve please feel free to contact us at the link
below. Your prayers are greatly appreciated.
Key Word Studies on Bible Doctrines Statement of Faith Se Habla Español
word studies for sermon preparation,
devotions and personal
Bible studies with abiding
and practical applications.
Christ in the Old Testament

Study the master theme of the Bible with these prophecies and types in the Old Testament of the coming of the Messiah, Jesus Christ.
Expository Sermons

Free Sermons and Bible studies indexed by Scripture reference and doctrinal studies .