Abide in Christ Missionary Teams ion Action 

Wil & Ann Pounds


“Expect great things from God!
Attempt great thing for God!”
- William Carey

 Missions Index 

Come and Help Us in Ecuador


Abide in Christ Yaruqui Peniel Class


Peniel Seminary Extension at Yaruquí, Ecuador

"A vision appeared to Paul in the night: a certain man of Macedonia was standing and appealing to him, and saying, 'Come over to Macedonia and help us.' … immediately we sought to go into Macedonia, concluding that God had called us to preach the gospel to them" (Acts 16:9-10).

The Macedonian call is not a call to become a missionary or to the Gospel Ministry. It did not come to those who were doing nothing. The call came to those who were actively serving Christ. It was a clarification of the direction as the Holy Spirit was leading them in an existing ministry.

In the context of Acts 16 the Holy Spirit was closing doors and opening doors. The sovereign Spirit was leading His workers to the right opportunities for ministry. As soon as they were sure the guidance was from the Lord they quickly obeyed.

Through the past 56 years I have watched and experienced the Holy Spirit leading in a similar manner in my life.

Paul was retracing his first missionary journey "strengthening the churches" when he received this call in Acts 15:41. The "churches were being strengthened in the faith, and were increasing in number daily" (16:5). My ministry has concentrated on training pastors and leaders in local churches.  


Abide in Christ ministry in Quichua churches in Ecuador.  Abide in Christ leadershiop in Quichua church.
Wil teaching leaders in a Quichua church.


Peniel Theological Seminary extension Yaruqui Ecuador
Yaruqui Peniel Theological Seminary extension class on the doctrine of the Holy Spirit


I taught a 40 hour seminary course on the doctrine of the Holy Spirit at the Peniel Theological Seminary extension in Yaruquí, near the capital city of Quito. The student's questions and small group discussions were relevant to many of the problems faced in Quichua churches today.

San Juan Guabo Mission Ecuador
Wil teaching at San Juan Guabo mission in Ecuador.


Each trip to Riobamba also involves ministry in local churches. During the past year the mission in the town of Guabo has grown to fifty in attendance. Pray as they seek a piece of property for a building.

I did a mini two day conference on how to maintain sound doctrine in the Nuevo Amanecer Quichua Church in Riobamba.



Abide in Christ Quichua ministry in churches in Riobamba, Ecuador
Quichua children singing at Genesis Bilingual Church in Riobamba, Ecuador.




Peniel Theological Seminary Riobamba, EcuadorPeniel Theological Seminary has grown from 13 students six years ago to 200 at the present time. Classes are held in the home of Alberto Copa, and the extensions in churches in different parts of the country. We have been praying and searching for property at a reasonable cost.

At the January 2016 board meeting the trustees voted to pursue the purchase of a favorable piece of property.

During the last two years the Lord has provided $38,000 for purchase of property. In the initial negotiations the owner came down $17,000. We will still need $30,000 to finalize.

Please join with me in prayer for the Lord to lay on the heart of 300 people to provide $100 each in the next 3 months. The board will sign the contract for purchase in the next few days. I want to stand back and say I saw God do it. When I challenged the board to pray in this manner, I said Ann and I will give a hundred right now, and each member responded: "Yes, I can do that, too." $40,000 scared them to death, but $100 was feasible. During this month we have seen the Lord provide almost $10,000.

Please pray that the Holy Spirit will burden 300 people to give $100 to complete purchase of land for Peniel Theological Seminary.

Paul wrote to the Philippian church 10 years after his visit in Acts 16 saying: "I am sure of this, that He who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ" (Phil. 1:6).

I am also convinced He will do the same thing in these churches, and this new ministry with the Shuar people, and the Quichuas at Peniel.


Otovalo Ecuador dancing
Otovalo dancers at Pifo, Ecuador fiesta.

Pifo, Ecuador celebrations
Traditional dances at Pifo fiesta.


what you can do

Partnership missions give you an opportunity to become personally involved in what God is doing in world missions.


Pray daily for the work in Honduras.


Give financially.  We are a faith mission and are dependent upon your financial gifts. Please pray about becoming involved in the support of our mission. "As long as the Lord provides I will give ¦ $25  $50  $100 $___ a month."

Current Needs:

Pray for wisdom for evangelism and doctrine training for pastors in a future Bible conference.


Pastor and Church Leadership Training Ministry in Ecuador.  Each trip costs approximately $4,000 and covers airplane tickets, room and board, rent for truck, gas, local workers, textbooks and food for students.

     Pray for evangelism saturation teams to do door-to-door evangelism and rallies at night.

     Pray for scholarships for Peniel Seminary students in Riobamba, Ecuador.

     Pray for Evangelism Workshops with Nicaragua Baptist pastors.

     Pray for wisdom to know where the Lord is leading to conduct evangelism workshops, and where to focus teaching ministry. We have been asked to return every three months and teach Ecuador pastors.

     We are presenting one-day, three-day weekend, and one week Evangelism Workshops for pastors and church leaders in churches in Latin America. 

     Pray for Alberto & Nancy Copa

Alberto Copa Director of Peniel Theological Seminary Riobamba Ecuador

Alberto Copa with his wife Nancy

Alberto is a pastor and leader in the Quechua Evangelical Churches in Chimborazo Province, Ecuador. He is Director of the Peniel Theological Seminary in Riobamba, Ecuador. He has over 20 years' experience pastoring bilingual churches in Ecuador. He and his wife are both graduates of an evangelical seminary in Bolivia.

q     All gifts to Abide in Christ are tax deductible under IRS 501 (c) (3) tax exempt status.

Abide in Christ, Inc.

P.O. Box 17921
Hattiesburg, MS 39404

Up-to-date mission reports and prayer requests:





Abide in Christ (c) 2016.   

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