Abide in Christ Dental Evangelism Outreach in the Andes
When our team drove
up to the village of Alao we saw fires burning
on the mountain side. It brought back to mind
the fires of persecution that blazed across the
Andes when the Quichua people first responded to
the Gospel back in the 1950 and 60's. Fierce
persecutions paved the way for the second and
third generation believers. Even today, there
are still pockets of persecution against new
mission startups. Please continue to pray for
these new mission projects and mission churches.
I was recently asked to encourage a group of new
believers being persecuted for their new found
faith in Christ.
There is no greater
joy than preaching the Good News where it has
never been presented before.
October 28 - November
5, 2016, Abide in Christ dental-evangelism team
presented the Gospel of Jesus Christ in mountain villages where the Gospel has never
been shared.
Alejandro Guacho made
several trips to a mountain village God had
placed on his heart. He visited leaders in the
community and prepared the way for the
evangelism team.
During the week our team saw 100 dental patients and 109 individuals put their faith in Christ as their Savior. Alejandro will return to Alao each Sunday to continue this new mission work. Peniel Theological Seminary students are also involved in this outreach as field mission assignments.
Two Christian dentists sharing Christ along side
the president of an evangelical seminary.
Jerry using the salvation bracelet to share
the plan of salvation with a young man who accepted
Christ as his savior.
Don Dumas, a Christian pharmacist, sharing
with young men at entrance to dental clinic.
"Medicine is a magnet that draws people to
Christ." It opens doors to a vibrant loving witness
to God's saving grace through Jesus Christ.
Dr. John Howell and Bill Clements sharing
Christ with a policeman who needed an extraction.
Bill is one of those faithful servants who works in the background to keep the dental equipment ready for dentist all day long. The team would not be possible without his vital ministry.
Wil translating for Dr. Cain at the
Saturday morning classes at Peniel Theological
Seminary in Riobamba.
The Ecuadorian members are a vital part of this
dental evangelism team.
Ecuadorian family in Alao.
I get to share Christ with patients, too. I enjoy
translating for dentists and presenting the plan of
Dr. Howell and Israel sharing Christ with a
Dr. Caine witness to a patient with his
translator Lourdes.
Dr. Caine and his translator Lourdes rejoicing
with a new believer in Jesus Christ.
Dr. Howell and Alberto Coopa share Christ with a
patient. Alberto is the Rector at Peniel Seminary.
Caring, patient, Christian dentist calms a
frightened child. Thre is something about the story of Jesus
that heals.
Let me see!
It takes this woman two months to make a poncho
from scratch.
Let me try that. Wow. John you did it!
Lourdes sharing Christ with a patient using salvation bracelet
to go down the Roman Road.
Wil preached at Jesus
Christ the Liberator Church on Sunday afternoon, and
at the Genesis Quichua Bilingual Church on Sunday
On this trip Wil also taught the 40 hour Peniel Seminary course on Salvation at the Yaruquí extension in Quito.
Student demonstration on personal witnessing in
the course on salvation at Yaruqui extension.
Wil, Alberto Copa, Damaso Francisco and Alejandro Guacho presented workshops on leadership and sound doctrine in a Quichua church in the city of Babaoyo.
Please pray for the leadership in the Quichua
churches in Babaoyo.
Abide in Christ retreat for the directors and
professors at Peniel Theological Seminary provided
encouragement as they begin a new year of ministry.
Let's do it again. Part of the Alao team.
Always some surprises along the way on a good
Majestic Chimborazo on a hazy morning over
Riobamba, Ecuador.
missions give you an opportunity to become personally involved in what God
is doing in world missions.
you can do
Give financially. We are a faith mission and are dependent upon your financial gifts. Please pray about becoming involved in the support of our mission. "As long as the Lord provides I will give ¦ $25 $50 $100 $___ a month."
Current Needs:
Pray for wisdom for evangelism and doctrine training for pastors in a future Bible conference.
Pastor and Church Leadership Training Ministry in Ecuador.
Each trip costs approximately $4,000
and covers airplane tickets, room and board, rent for truck, gas, local
workers, textbooks and food for students.
Pray for evangelism saturation teams to do door-to-door
evangelism and rallies at night.
Pray for scholarships for Peniel Seminary students in Riobamba, Ecuador.
Pray for Evangelism Workshops with Ecuadoriand and Honduran Baptist pastors.
Pray for wisdom to know where the Lord is leading to conduct evangelism
workshops, and where to focus teaching ministry.
We have been asked to return every three months and teach Ecuador pastors.
We are presenting one-day, three-day
weekend, and one week Evangelism Workshops for pastors and church leaders in
churches in Latin America.
Pray for Alberto &
Nancy Copa
Alberto Copa with his wife Nancy
Alberto is a pastor and
leader in the Quechua Evangelical Churches in Chimborazo Province, Ecuador.
He is Director of the Peniel Theological Seminary in Riobamba, Ecuador. He
has over 20 years' experience pastoring bilingual churches in Ecuador. He
and his wife are both graduates of an evangelical seminary in Bolivia.
All gifts to Abide in Christ are tax
deductible under IRS 501 (c) (3) tax exempt status.
P.O. Box 17921
Hattiesburg, MS
mission reports and prayer requests:
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