Abide in Christ Missionary Teams ion Action 

Wil & Ann Pounds


“Expect great things from God!
Attempt great thing for God!”
- William Carey

 Missions Index 

Language of Love in Ecuador

Ecuadorian Shuar children playing games with Abide in Christ evangelism team. 
Jefferson playing with Shuar children in Ecuador.
Shuar children enjoying game of tub of war with Abide in Christ team.
Abide in Christ team enjoying tug of war with Shuar children.


"I do not consider my life of any account as dear to myself, in order that I may finish my course, and the ministry which I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify solemnly of the gospel of the grace of God. . . . For I do not shrink from declaring to you the whole purpose of God" (Acts 20:24, 27).


"Medicine is the magnet that draws men to Christ." A recent trip to southeastern jungle villages in Ecuador was no exception.


Dr. John Howell, Carl Mason, Bobby Franklin, Alejandro Guacho joined me in attending to dental needs of patients to open doors to share Christ. Alejandro has a vision to reach communities that have no gospel witness.


Our team gave out over 500 New Testaments to school children and dental patients.


Abide in Christ team personal witnessing in Ecuador.
Alejandro sharing Christ with a woman in Ecuador.

Ecuador jungle community needs Jesus Christ.
Ecuadorian jungle community needs Christ.

We extracted teeth and witnessed in four areas where there is no evangelical work in this jungle area of Ecuador. Yes, we had a number of beautiful decisions for Christ and doors are opening. Alejandro came back two weeks later and spent the week following-up on these new believers, and making contacts for more visits in the near future. This is a new mission work, and he is faithful in spending time working this new area of ministry.


In October another Abide in Christ team will go and do medical dental work in two Quichua and "blanco" (Spanish) communities. This is in response to an invitation from Peniel Theological Seminary to help them open new missions where there are no churches.

Dental patients listen to gospel of Jesus Christ in Ecuador
Carl Mason sharing Christ with dental patients.

During the second week Bobby Franklin taught pastors, seminary students and graduates the Five Love Languages. This was greatly appreciated, informative and practical for pastoral counseling.

Sharing God's love with churches in Ecuador.
Bobby Franklin teaching Continuing Education conference at Peniel Theological Seminary.

Evangelical churches in Ecuador sharing Jesus Christ with lost neighbors.
Bobby teaching love lanugages at Genesis Bilingual Evangelical Church in Riobamba, Ecuador.

Wil Pounds spoke on the Baptism of the Spirit and Sanctification. The question and answer period each day was very encouraging for the pastors and for me. It indicated they were focused on a solid Biblical theology.

Continuing Education for pastors and graduates at Peniel Theological Seminary.
Part of the Peniel Theological Seminary Continuing Education Conference provided by Abide in Christ. 

Please continue to pray for these Quichua pastors from all over the country. The fields are indeed white unto harvest.


Abide in Christ personal evangelism ministry in Latin America.
Wil with new Shuar believer in Ecuador.


Personal evangelism in action in Ecuador.
DDr. John Howell and Jefferson Copa sharing Christ door-to-door in Shuar community in Ecuador.


Lost people on the other side of the river.
But there are lost people on the other side of the river.


"Whoever will call upon the name of the Lord will be saved.


How then shall they call upon Him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in Him whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher? And how shall they preach unless they are sent? Just as it is written, 'How beautiful are the feet of those who bring glad tidings of good things!'" (Romans 10:13-15).



what you can do

Partnership missions give you an opportunity to become personally involved in what God is doing in world missions.


Pray daily for the work in Honduras.


Give financially.  We are a faith mission and are dependent upon your financial gifts. Please pray about becoming involved in the support of our mission. "As long as the Lord provides I will give ¦ $25  $50  $100 $___ a month."

Current Needs:

Pray for wisdom for evangelism and doctrine training for pastors in a future Bible conference.


Pastor and Church Leadership Training Ministry in Ecuador.  Each trip costs approximately $4,000 and covers airplane tickets, room and board, rent for truck, gas, local workers, textbooks and food for students.

     Pray for evangelism saturation teams to do door-to-door evangelism and rallies at night.

     Pray for scholarships for Peniel Seminary students in Riobamba, Ecuador.

     Pray for Evangelism Workshops with Nicaragua Baptist pastors.

     Pray for wisdom to know where the Lord is leading to conduct evangelism workshops, and where to focus teaching ministry. We have been asked to return every three months and teach Ecuador pastors.

     We are presenting one-day, three-day weekend, and one week Evangelism Workshops for pastors and church leaders in churches in Latin America. 

     Pray for Alberto & Nancy Copa

Alberto Copa Director of Peniel Theological Seminary Riobamba Ecuador

Alberto Copa with his wife Nancy

Alberto is a pastor and leader in the Quechua Evangelical Churches in Chimborazo Province, Ecuador. He is Director of the Peniel Theological Seminary in Riobamba, Ecuador. He has over 20 years' experience pastoring bilingual churches in Ecuador. He and his wife are both graduates of an evangelical seminary in Bolivia.

q     All gifts to Abide in Christ are tax deductible under IRS 501 (c) (3) tax exempt status.

Abide in Christ, Inc.

P.O. Box 17921
Hattiesburg, MS 39404

Up-to-date mission reports and prayer requests:





Abide in Christ (c) 2016.   

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