Dr. Harry Rimmer
once said, "Medicine is the
magnet that draws people to Christ."
medical-dental-evangelism team just returned
from Alao, Ecuador.
Jerry Starnes
made this observation about the team:
Jerry Starnes sharing
Christ with patients waiting to see the medical
"We never test the resources of God until we attempt the impossible" -- F. B. Meyer
Jefferson Copa and Robbie Wilkinson shared Christ
with children on medical dental team.
Robbie and Jefferson with students at school.
Professor Damaso, a Peniel Seminary professor,
observing Jane Goudelock measuring strength of
reading glasses for a patient at one of our
medical-dental-evangelism clinics.
March Medical-Dental-Evangelism Team
Medical patients - 322
Dental patients - 34 with 19 extractions
Eye glasses - 170
Sunglasses - 266
Decisions - 73
Jane Howell providing compassionate care for
Dr. Rick Cain sharing Christ with one of his
patients using a salvation bracelet.
We could see a major difference in the attitude of the people toward the Gospel witness since our last visit in October 2016.
Dr. John Howell and Alejandro praying with an
elderly patient who just received Christ as her
In March, Wil also ministered in Quicha churches in Riobamba, and conducted a conference on personal evangelism, eternal security and sanctification in a bilingual evangelical church in Santo Domingo, Ecuador.
Partial view of the city of Santo Domingo,
Alejandro giving personal evangelism
demonstration at Abide in Christ conference in
Santo Domingo, Ecuador.
Abide in Christ Bible Conference in Mt Olives
Evangelical Church in Santo Domingo.
Wil has presented several conferences on personal evangelism, eternal security, doctrine of sanctification, and the person and work of the Holy Spirit in evangelical and Baptist churches in Santo Domingo. The response has been well received and very encouraging in the churches.
Wil had the privilege of leading Rosio and her husband Milton to Christ in January. They are growing in their relationship with Christ. In the foto below she is sharing Christ with her studetns at school using the salvation bracelets provided by Clinton Tipps.
Salvation bracelets make an ideal opportunity
to share the good news in Jesus Christ.
Our team also gave a special presentation to the students at Peniel Theological Seminary in Riobamba, Ecuador.
Wil translating for Jerry Starnes,
Director of Missions for Delta Baptist
Association in Arkansas, at a special
presentation for Peniel Theological Seminary in
Wil translating for Dr. Rick Cain a dentist
with a seminary background. Dr. Cain also spoke
to the seminary students in October.
Dr. Cain will be one of our main speakers at the 7th Annual Abide in Christ Conference for Pastors and Church Leaders in August 2017.
Elderly patient telling Lourdes that her
tooth hurts.
Abide in Christ March 2017
medical-dental-evangelism team.
This is the best medical team I have ever worked with through the years. They were focused on ministry to patients, and our goal of planting an evangelical church in the community.
With the apostle Paul we declare: "For from Him and through Him and to Him are all things. To Him be the glory forever. Amen" (Romans 11:36). To Him alone be all the glory through all eternity.
Thank you for the privilege and opportunity of being involved in something that will still be worth while a million years from now!
missions give you an opportunity to become personally involved in what God
is doing in world missions.
you can do
Give financially. We are a faith mission and are dependent upon your financial gifts. Please pray about becoming involved in the support of our mission. "As long as the Lord provides I will give ¦ $25 $50 $100 $___ a month."
Current Needs:
Pray for wisdom for evangelism and doctrine training for pastors in a future Bible conference.
Pastor and Church Leadership Training Ministry in Ecuador.
Each trip costs approximately $4,000
and covers airplane tickets, room and board, rent for truck, gas, local
workers, textbooks and food for students.
Pray for evangelism saturation teams to do door-to-door
evangelism and rallies at night.
Pray for scholarships for Peniel Seminary students in Riobamba, Ecuador.
Pray for Evangelism Workshops with Honduran Baptist pastors at Hebron
Baptist Church in Tegucigalpa.
Pray for wisdom to know where the Lord is leading to conduct evangelism
workshops, and where to focus teaching ministry.
We have been asked to return every three months and teach Ecuador pastors.
We are presenting one-day, three-day
weekend, and one week Evangelism Workshops for pastors and church leaders in
churches in Latin America.
Pray for Alberto &
Nancy Copa
Alberto Copa with his wife Nancy
Alberto is a pastor and
leader in the Quechua Evangelical Churches in Chimborazo Province, Ecuador.
He is Director of the Peniel Theological Seminary in Riobamba, Ecuador. He
has over 20 years' experience pastoring bilingual churches in Ecuador. He
and his wife are both graduates of an evangelical seminary in Bolivia.
All gifts to Abide in Christ are tax
deductible under IRS 501 (c) (3) tax exempt status.
P.O. Box 17921
Hattiesburg, MS
mission reports and prayer requests:
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