Abide in Christ Missionary Teams ion Action 

Wil & Ann Pounds


“Expect great things from God!
Attempt great thing for God!”
- William Carey

 Missions Index 

Ecuadorian Youth with a Passion for

Personal Evangelism


Eccuadorian Christian Youth studying personal evangelism.  


Youth sharing Christ in Pintag, Ecuador

in the Peniel Theological Seminary course on Personal Evangelism.

"… Praising God, and having favor with all the people. The Lord was adding to their number day by day those who were being saved" (Acts 2:47).

Why should we be personal witnesses?

The simple answer is that Jesus called us to be His witnesses. Jesus said, "All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I command you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age" (Matthew 28:18-20).

One of the courses Wil teaches at Peniel Theological Seminary in Ecuador is personal evangelism. He also presents Evangelism in Depth workshops in churches in all areas of the country.

Personal evangelism students in Pintag, Ecuador seminary extension.

Students in evangelism course at Peniel Seminary extension in Pintag, Ecuador.

Demonstration on personal witnessing in Ecuadorian evangelical church.
Students giving personal evangelism demonstration.

The students in the Pintag seminary extension are almost all youth with a bold vision to reach other youth in the Pintag and neighboring communities with the gospel.  

Practical personal evangelism training

There are lots of small group activities and individual participation in personal evangelism classes at Peniel, and in Abide in Christ workshops in local churches.


Peniel Theological Seminary evangelism course in Pintag extension
Joy of seeing the third generation evangelical Christians studying the Word of God and putting it into daily practice.


Ecuadorian teachers at Peniel Theologial Seminary teach with academic excellence
Alejandro Guacho sharing how to witness to Catholics in a loving respectful manner.

Wil also team teaches with Alberto Copa, the Rector of Peniel Seminary in Quichua churches throughout Ecuador. On this occasion Alberto taught on the Christian principles for a happy family. Wil spoke on how to maintain sound doctrine in the church. One session continued the theme of church evangelism


Mt. Cotopaxi, Quito, Ecuador
Modern city of Quito, Ecuador in the shadow of Mt. Cotopaxi has a population of 3 million.

Peniel Theological Seminary has two extensions in Quito area. Abide in Christ provides teaching materials, and offers free personal evangelism workshops and conferences in Quito communities.

Peniel Theological Semianry workshops and conferences in Ecuador
Alberto speaking on the Christian family in the Iglesia Evangelica Diestra de Dios Quichua church in Puyo, Ecuador.

Peniel Theological Seminary will begin an extension in Puyo later in 2016.


Quichua evagelical church in Puyo, Ecuador

One of the sessions at the Puyo conference on the Christian family and evangelism.

Pictures of Wil and Ann celebrating 56 years of Gospel ministry, and 10 years as Director of Missions at Delta Baptist Association. He is also the founder, and Director of Missions for Abide in Christ.


Celebrating 56 years of gospel ministry Abide in Christ ministry continues 56 years of gospel ministry in 5 countries


Children singing at Pintag, Ecuador evangelical worship service.

 Quichua children singing in Pintag Evangelical Church worship service


Wil speaking at Puyo evangelism conference.
Wil opening the first session at the evangelism and church family conference in Puyo.


Ecuadorian rich cafe
Young boy bringing café in from field.


colombian cookout
Nothing like fresh Colombian cookout.


Ecuadorian truck farming on small plots of ground.
Small highly productive and efficient truck farms dominate the high lands of Ecuador.


Harvesting strawberries on Ecuadorian farm
Harvesting strawberries on Alejandro's farm.


Grading strawberries at harvest time
Ramona, Norma and Alejandro busy grading fresh picked strawberries.


grading strawberries at harvest time in Ecuador
Wil helped in grading strawberries one afternoon.



what you can do

Partnership missions give you an opportunity to become personally involved in what God is doing in world missions.


Pray daily for the work in Honduras.


Give financially.  We are a faith mission and are dependent upon your financial gifts. Please pray about becoming involved in the support of our mission. "As long as the Lord provides I will give ¦ $25  $50  $100 $___ a month."

Current Needs:

Pray for wisdom for evangelism and doctrine training for pastors in a future Bible conference.


Pastor and Church Leadership Training Ministry in Ecuador.  Each trip costs approximately $4,000 and covers airplane tickets, room and board, rent for truck, gas, local workers, textbooks and food for students.

     Pray for evangelism saturation teams to do door-to-door evangelism and rallies at night.

     Pray for scholarships for Peniel Seminary students in Riobamba, Ecuador.

     Pray for Evangelism Workshops with Nicaragua Baptist pastors.

     Pray for wisdom to know where the Lord is leading to conduct evangelism workshops, and where to focus teaching ministry. We have been asked to return every three months and teach Ecuador pastors.

     We are presenting one-day, three-day weekend, and one week Evangelism Workshops for pastors and church leaders in churches in Latin America. 

     Pray for Alberto & Nancy Copa

Alberto Copa Director of Peniel Theological Seminary Riobamba Ecuador

Alberto Copa with his wife Nancy

Alberto is a pastor and leader in the Quechua Evangelical Churches in Chimborazo Province, Ecuador. He is Director of the Peniel Theological Seminary in Riobamba, Ecuador. He has over 20 years' experience pastoring bilingual churches in Ecuador. He and his wife are both graduates of an evangelical seminary in Bolivia.

q     All gifts to Abide in Christ are tax deductible under IRS 501 (c) (3) tax exempt status.

Abide in Christ, Inc.

P.O. Box 17921
Hattiesburg, MS 39404

Up-to-date mission reports and prayer requests:





Abide in Christ (c) 2016.   

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