The Holy Spirit initiated and
controlled the process of giving us the written
revelation of God.
The Scriptures were not merely
man’s own thoughts, nor divine thoughts in their own
words, but “the words of God,” as the writers were
impelled or “born along” by the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit enlightened the
mind and superintended for both the spoken and the
written word (2 Peter 3:15; 1 Peter 1:3-25). Even
the very language is “God breathed” (2 Tim. 3:16).
It “breathes out the Spirit.” It is the product of
God’s creative breath. God breathed through man the
words that make up the Scriptures.
The word “plenary” means “full,
entire, complete.” It is the way theologians speak
of the fully or completely inspired Bible. It is
God-breathed in all of its parts. It is also
“verbal,” i.e., it applies to the words.
God-breathed Scriptures consists of God-given words.
It was not “dictated” to the witnesses (1 Kings
22:8-16; Neh. 8; Psalm 119; Jer. 25:1-13; Rom. 1:2;
3:2, 21; 16:26).
The authors did not write like
robots. Verbal inspiration does not imply mechanical
or dictational inspiration. It does not efface the
writer’s own personality. The human writers were not
passive in the process. They were God’s penmen, not
merely His pens. They used their minds,
personalities, individual characteristics and
expressions as they wrote.
The language of the Scriptures
is human. They wrote in the language of the people.
Some wrote in Aramaic, others Hebrew and Greek.
However, the message these men
wrote down came from God. God is the true author of
the Scriptures. That is why we understand the Bible
to be the Word of God.
When we say we believe in the
“verbal” inspiration of the Scriptures we mean that
the very words the authors used were inspired, not
the thoughts only. The Holy Spirit guided the writer
in the choice of words he chose from his vocabulary.
God enabled them to choose the very words they used
in the original manuscripts.
If there was not this governing
by the Holy Spirit the Bible would be less inspired.
We believe in the “full, complete” inspiration of
the Bible and therefore no part of the Bible is
omitted. The words are the words God wanted in the
text. It is the verbal, plenary, infallible and
unlimited inerrancy of the Bible that I trust to be
the Word of God for me today. The authority of the
message is guaranteed in the accuracy of the words.
You cannot have errors in the Bible and authority
The Holy Spirit influenced
control over the sacred writers as they wrote,
including their expression of thoughts in language,
as well as the thoughts themselves, and the choice
of words they wrote. What God had to say is conveyed
with infallible accuracy. The words and the thoughts
they convey are God’s revelation to us (1 Cor. 2:13;
1 Thess. 2:13; Jn. 14:26; 16:13).
When plenary inspiration is
denied all Christian faith is undermined.
God revealed truth to the Bible
writers by means of the Holy Spirit uncovering it to
them, but they were not left to make a permanent
record of it by themselves. It is one thing to know
a certain fact, and quite another to find the exact
words in your vocabulary to give an accurate
understanding of that truth. The words they used
were not dictated by their human reason or wisdom,
but “in the words taught by the Spirit” (1 Cor.
2:13). The Holy Spirit taught them the words because
He revealed the truth behind the words. Thus we have
in the original Hebrew and Greek texts of the
Biblical manuscripts the very words that God taught
the writers to use as they recorded the truth which
they had received by revelation. This is what is
meant by verbal inspiration.
By divine revelation the Holy
Spirit unveiled or revealed the spiritual truth to
the writers. Moreover, He also led them to choose
the right word out of their own vocabulary to
communicate the exact truth God wanted them to
The Holy Spirit took those
writers as he found them and used them infallibly.
Luke’s Greek is the purest and most beautiful.
Paul’s Greek was far more involved and difficult
than John’s. John often uses words with double
meaning to draw out contrasts, and his thoughts soar
to the windows of heaven. Mark races through his
gospel with words of action. There was a difference
in their education and this is often seen in their
The authors of the Scriptures
were led by the Holy Spirit as they searched their
vocabularies for the exact words which would
accurately express the truth they wished to
They compared the word in their
vocabulary with the truth they wished to write down.
They did not choose to use the words which the Holy
Spirit showed them would not correctly express the
thought. The words they used were those which the
Spirit led them to use as they wrote.
The Holy Spirit freed them up
to express their own individual
personalities, vocabulary, and education while at
the same time guiding them to make an "infallible
record of truth infallibly revealed.”
Wil is a graduate of William
Carey University, B. A.; New Orleans Baptist
Theological Seminary, Th. M.; and Azusa Pacific
University, M. A. He has pastored in Panama, Ecuador
and the U. S, and served for over 20 years as
missionary in Ecuador and Honduras. He had a daily
expository Bible teaching ministry head in over 100
countries from 1972-2005. He continues to seek
opportunities to be personally involved in world
missions. Wil and his wife Ann have three grown
daughters. He currently serves as a Baptist pastor
and teaches seminary extension courses in Ecuador.
word studies for sermon preparation, messages,
devotions and personal Bible studies with abiding
principles and practical applications.
Reports on what God is doing through Bible
believing evangelical Christians in
Honduras, Nicaragua, Peru,
and Ecuador. Jesus said, "If you abide in
Me, and My words abide in you, ask whatever
you wish, and it shall be done for you"
(John 15:7).