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Forgiveness According to the Riches of God’s Grace


Forgiveness According to the Riches of God’s Grace

The greatest peace and joy in all the world is knowing all my sins have been forgiven according to the riches of God’s free grace in Jesus Christ. We are trophies of His grace both now and throughout eternity.

There is nothing like the free, full, sovereign, unconditional, eternal grace of God that deals with all our sins. The apostle sang “the praise of the glory of God’s grace, which He freely bestowed on us in the Beloved. In whom we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of His grace” (Ephesians 1:6-7).

There is no boundary to God’s omniscience. There is no limit to His understanding, or of His grace. Just as He has knowledge of all our sins, so does His infinite grace comprehend all our sins.

How can a holy and just God forgive us of all our sins in one all encompassing declaration of acquittal? It is because the believing sinner is blood-bought. “Unto Him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in His own blood, to Him be glory and dominion for ever and ever.” The apostle John wrote, “To Him who loves us, and [once and for all] released us from our sins by His blood” (Revelation 1:5).

“When God forgives He draws the mark through every sin which the believer ever has committed, or ever will commit,” observed C. H. Spurgeon. “However many, however heinous, your sins may have been the moment you believe, they are every one of them blotted out. In the Book of God there is not a single sin against any man in this place whose trust is in Christ, not a single one, not even the shadow of one, not a spot, or the remnant of a sin remaining; all is gone . . . and when God’s love covers the big sins it covers the little ones, and they are all gone at once! When God forgives, He not only forgives all, but once for all. . . . By one sacrifice there is a full remission of all sin that ever was against a believer, or that ever will be against him . . . not a single sin shall ever stand against you, nor shall you ever be punished for a single sin; for every sin is forgiven, fully forgiven, so that not even part of the punishment shall be executed against you” (Sermons of C. H. Spurgeon, vol. Vii, pp. 72-73).

Our redemption is full and complete through Christ’s blood. The moment the sinner believes his pardon is at once received. All of your sins are forgiven and gone forever! All that God requires is for you to cast yourself, simply on the blood and righteousness of Jesus Christ. “He that believes on the Lord Jesus Christ shall be saved.”

You are saved the moment you believe. The believer is no more in the sight of God received as a sinner because Jesus Christ was punished for him. The believing sinner is accepted in the beloved because he is wrapped about by the righteousness of Christ.

How much grace do you consume each day? How much of God’s grace do you require? An infinite amount! The LORD God supplies the need of every saint every day of our lives out of His unlimited riches of grace, and His well never runs out. His unbounded grace covers every believer throughout time and eternity.

Moreover, God has clothed us in the seamless robes of His righteousness. Jesus Christ spent His life weaving my robe of righteousness. Our robe is divine, complete and made clean by His own blood. God clothes His children in the most expensive clothes by means of the riches of His grace.

There is no greater peace than knowing and enjoying the fact that our sins are forgiven now. In His grace we enjoy access into the presence of a holy God. We are invited to come to Him anytime and on all occasions. We have no fear of hell because God has atoned for all our sins in the blood of Jesus. But not only do we enjoy His presence now, we anticipate the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ for us any moment.



Message by Wil Pounds (c) 2006





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Wil is a graduate of William Carey University, B. A.; New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary, Th. M.; and Azusa Pacific University, M. A. He has pastored in Panama, Ecuador and the U. S, and served for over 20 years as missionary in Ecuador and Honduras. He had a daily expository Bible teaching ministry head in over 100 countries from 1972-2005. He continues to seek opportunities to be personally involved in world missions. Wil and his wife Ann have three grown daughters. He currently serves as a Baptist pastor and teaches seminary extension courses in Ecuador.


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