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Lyrical Reflections on
the Man, His Times, and Message

Rex H. Henderson

"The book of Daniel is timely and valuable for Christians living in our own secular world and materialistic times. The life of Daniel is a stirring and helpful example of one who lives through, triumphed and excelled in public life to the glory of God, He did not compromise or bow to this world's idols." From the Preface to Daniel, Lyrical Reflections on the Man, His Times, and Message.

Hart Parris writes:

"As a lay person, I can only comment on personal insights gained through the reading of his work and the genuine pleasure and comfort found in his words. A gentle man from humble beginnings, Rex Henderson's life is that of the classic American Renaissance Man. Through his writings, he offers us a reaffirmation of the power of God's word, simply, beautifully and perhaps with a little deeper understanding of the treasures hidden there."

Dr. Barry Lumsden, Professor of Higher Education, University of North Texas, writes in the Introduction to Daniel:

"Most Americans, including the unchurched, agnostics, skeptics, and even atheists, are somewhat familiar with the Old Testament book of Daniel. It would indeed be difficult to find someone who has not read about, or heard about, Daniel in the lion's den or Daniel and his companions in the fiery furnace. For centuries and millennia, these memorable stories have become part of the storehouse of biblical knowledge of believers and unbelievers alike.

"In this his most recent work, Pastor Henderson captures a few of the trying experiences of young Daniel and translates them into verse. . . In his consistently unpretentious manner, brother Henderson contributes to our understanding of how God insinuates Himself into the everyday lives of His people (individually and collectively) to protect them and to glorify His wonderful name."

Rex Henderson was born into a Pennsylvania Dutch family of Bartlesville, Oklahoma, and in early age moved to a farm in Southeast Kansas. In his late teens he moved to Ash Grove, Missouri. There he was converted to faith in Jesus Christ and was baptized by the First Baptist Church of Ash Grove. The following year he was licensed to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He was also ordained by the same church and enjoyed an active ministry that has covered six decades in Missouri and New Mexico. Rex received a B. A. degree from Mississippi Baptist College, Clinton, Mississippi, M. Div. and M. R. E from New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary, M. A. from Northwest Missouri State University, Maryville, Missouri.

Daniel, Lyrical Reflections on the Man, His Times, and Message is available in attractive paperback. 42 pages published by RonJon Publishing Inc. (c) 2004 by Rex. H. Henderson.  


Also available in print:

Poems from the Psalms Poetical Musings on the Psalms

Reflections on the Revelation, Poetical Musings on The Book of Revelation

  Web www.AbideInChrist.com

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