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Reflections on the Revelation
Poetical Musings on
The Book of Revelation

Rex H. Henderson

Dr. Barry Lumsden, Professor of Higher Education, University of North Texas, writes in the forward to Reflections on the Revelation:

"To most 21st century post-moderns, the last book in our English Bible is a closed one. Closed to our understanding because of its mystique, its forebodings, and its mysterious and even frightening symbols--not to mention our overwhelming general biblical illiteracy. for centuries and even millennia, St. John's book about The Revelations of Jesus Christ has stricken fear in the hearts of its readers. For others, however, The Revelation is a great and wonderful source of encouragement. John assures us that, no matter how perilous the times, no matter how dark the days, God is on His throne and good will ultimately triumph over evil. At Calvary, the Son of God put to rout the enemy of our souls; the time is coming when he, the Evil One, will forever be put out of business. His days are numbered."

Rex Henderson was born into a Pennsylvania Dutch family of Bartlesville, Oklahoma, and in early age moved to a farm in Southeast Kansas. In his late teens he moved to Ash Grove, Missouri. There he was converted to faith in Jesus Christ and was baptized by the First Baptist Church of Ash Grove. The following year he was licensed to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He was also ordained by the same church and enjoyed an active ministry that has covered six decades in Missouri and New Mexico. Rex received a B. A. degree from Mississippi Baptist College, Clinton, Mississippi, M. Div. and M. R. E from New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary, M. A. from Northwest Missouri State University, Maryville, Missouri.

Reflections on the Revelation is as relevant and contemporary as you can get. "John, and we, have been assured that the time will come when the magnificent and victorious Lamb of God will return to forever silence the Domitians and Usama Ben Laden's of this world. One day the kingdoms of this world shall indeed become the kingdoms of our Lord and His Christ, " writes Dr. Lumsden. 

Reflections on the Revelation, Poetical Musings on the Book of Revelation is available in attractive paperback. 83 pages published by RonJon Publishing Inc. (c) 2004 by Rex. H. Henderson.  


  Also available in print:

Poems from the Psalms Poetical Musings on the Psalms

Daniel, Lyrical Reflections on the Man, His Times, and Message


  Web www.AbideInChrist.com

Poetic Reflections on the Psalms      Poems on the Book of Revelation      Poems on the Book of Daniel


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