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Abide in Christ Bible Commentaries online

Abstract of Systematic Theology by James P. Boyce

Acts, Commentary on by McGarvey

An Exposition of Hebrews A. W. Pink

An Exposition of the Sermon on the Mount A. W. Pink

Antiquities of the Jews - Flavius Josephus

Audio Bible  Listen as you browse

A. T. Robertson Word Pictures of the New Testament  (Excellent)

A. W. Pink (All of Pink's books online here)

Baker Book House Publishers

Banner of Truth Books

Barna Researach

Albert Barnes Notes on N. T.

Beatitudes of Jesus by Thomas Watson

Bible Classic Commentaries
Calvin    Darby    Geneva    Gill    Jamieson, Faussett, and Brown
Lightfoot    Johnson    Luther    Matthew Henry Complete    Spurgeon
Matthew Henry Concise    McGarvey and Pendleton    McGee 

Bible History of O. T Alfred Eldersheim

Bible Maps excellent on line maps Also Powerpoint Bible Maps ready to use

Bibleoutlines.com Paul Apple Bible Studies - online commentaries

Bible Thoughts and Themes by Horatius Bonar

Bible Toolbox - excellent 26 Translations, word studies, Greek study, commentaries, illustrations

Bondage of the Will by Martin Luther
Books On-line: Christian Big collection
Broadus, John A.  Sermons

The Five Points of Calvinism, by R. L. Dabney (Dabney expounds the Doctrines of Grace in a very easy, and clear manner. I consider it one of the best works available on the topic.)

Calvin's Calvinism by John Calvin
Calvin's Institutes of the Christian Religion by John Calvin

Campus Crusade Materials for Growth Excellent resources
Christian Book Distributors Buy Christian books online, excellent prices
Christian Book Summaries
Christian Classics CCEL--Additional Titles Great Christian Classics full text online
Christian Classics Ethereal Library Bunyan, Calvin, Edwards and more
Christian's Secret to a Happy Life - Hanna Whitall  Smith
Adam Clark Commentary online  Also Adam Clark
Classic Christian Books Online Get them here free! Bonar, Bounds, Calvin, Chamber, Chesterton, Drummond, Edersheim, Jowett, Law, Lawrence, Meyer, Milton, Murray, Lee, Orr, Owen, Spurgeon, Wesley, and many more
Classics and Late Antiquity
Classics Archive: searchable works of classical literature

Classic Bible Commentaries
Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood

Critical Commentary on the Bible -Jamison Fauset Brown

Daily Bible Reading Calendar Robert Murray M'Cheyne

**** Abide in Christ **** 

Darby Commentary on N. T.
Dawn of World Redemption - Erich Sauer (Survey of History of Salvation in the Old Testament with Forward by F. F. Bruce)
Arthur C. Custance, PhD - The Doorway Papers of
Dead Sea Scrolls - Voices in the Wilderness - They Wrote the Dead Sea Scrolls by Aubrey Richardson
Death of Christ - John Murray
Death of Death in the Death of Christ - John Owen
Deeper Christian Life by Andrew Murray Online book
Definitive Sanctification - John Murray

Early Church Fathers 38 volume collection of writings from first 800 years of Christianity

Eaton's Bible Dictionary (full online)

Encyclopedia of Christianity - CCEL
Everlasting Man, The - G. K. Chesterton
Except ye Repent - H. A. Ironside
Exposition of Holy Scripture Alexander Maclaren  download books online

Faith and Justification - Theodore Beza
Fox's Book of Martyrs  
Freedom of Will by Jonathan Edwards

Galatians - Commentary on the Epistle by Martin Luther Full text online Also here

Geneva Study Bible Reformed leaders of 1560

Gleanings from Elisha A. W. Pink

Gleanings on Exodus A. W. Pink

Gleanings on Genesis A. W. Pink

Gleanings on the Godhead A. W. Pink

Gleanings on Joshua A. W. Pink

Gleanings on Paul A. W. Pink

The Glory of Christ - John Owen

God's Foreknowledge and Free-Will by Stephen Charnock

God's Way of Holiness by Horatius Bonar

Gospel in Exodus by Henry Law

Gospel of John A. W. Pink

Gospel of John  by J. C. Ryle

Gospel in Leviticus by Henry Law

Gospel of Luke  by J. C. Ryle

Gospel of Mark  J. C. Ryle

Gospel of Mark G. A. Chadwick

Gospel of Matthew J. C. Ryle

Greek Lexicon

Guzik Commentary on Whole Bible

Harmony of the Gospels

Hebrew Lexicon

History of the Jewish War  A.D. 66-73  Flavius Josephus

  • The History of the Christian Church, vol 1 by Philip Schaff
  • The History of the Christian Church, vol 2 by Philip Schaff
  • The History of the Christian Church, vol 3 by Philip Schaff
  • The History of the Christian Church, vol 4 by Philip Schaff
  • The History of the Christian Church, vol 5 by Philip Schaff
  • The History of the Christian Church, vol 6 by Philip Schaff
  • The History of the Christian Church, vol 7 by Philip Schaff
  • The History of the Christian Church, vol 8 by Philip Schaff
  • Hitchcock Bible Names Dictionary

    Holiness by J. C. Ryle

    Incarnation of the Word of God - Athanasius

    In Christ Jesus by A. T. Pierson

    In His Steps Robert Sheldon -full text
    ISBE (International Standard Bible Encyclopedia) Two online servers below. ISBE
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    ISBE (International Standard Bible Encyclopedia) Online
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    InterVarsity Press: Christian Books
    Isaiah's Majestic Prophecy - E. J. Young
    Jamieson-Fausset-Brown Commentary on the Whole Bible Full text online
    B. W. Johnson's Commentary on John: Table of Contents Full text online

    Jamieson-Fausset-Brown Commentary on the Whole Bible Full text online  Also here 

    John Gill  very large selection of sermons on line

    John Gill's Expositions of the Entire Bible

    Josephus complet work

    Justification by Grace Alone - John Calvin

    Justification by Faith, Doctrine of -John Owen
    Justification  Richard Hooker

    Faith's Check Book C. H. Spurgeon Daily Devotions
    Fatbrain -  specializing in professional books, interactive training
    Kregel Books To challenge the mind and encourage the heart.

    The Heart of the Gospel A. T. Pierson

    Heaven by D. L. Moody full text

    Hitchcock's Bible Names Dictionary

    How to Pray by T. A.Torrey

    The Human Writers of the Scriptures - Edward J. Young (by one of the great Christian scholars of all time)

    Institutes of Christian Religion - John Calvin (complete)
    ISBE International Bible Encyclopedia 9948 entries in this classic

    Jesus Rediscovered -Malcomb Muggeridge

    Job by C. H. Spurgeon in 3 PDF files
    Sermons from the Book of Job Vol 1
    Sermons from the Book of Job Vol 2
    Sermons from the Book of Job Vol 3

    Law and Grace - John Murray

    Letters to the Seven Churches of Asia - William Ramsay
    Librarians' Index to the Internet

    Life of David  by A. W. Pink

    Lightfoot on the Gospels

    Like Christ by Andrew Murray full text

    Lloyd-Jones, D. M.
    Logos Software Scholarly Books on CD

    London Baptist Confession of Faith 1677/1689  One of the greatest statements of faith. Worth reading and studying.

    The Lord's Prayer by Thomas Watson

    Maclaren, Alexander
    Man the Dwelling Place of God, A. W. Tozer
    Marrow of Modern Divinity by Edward Fisher

    Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary  Full text online Also here Matthew Henry

    McGarvey Commentary on Acts

    MightyWords Read, write, buy and sell secure digital documents and ebooks.
    Reformed Book Sales

    Morning and Evening by C. H. Spurgeon (Set your browser to this link and get the daily devotional automatically each day.

    Mortification of Sin in Believers, Of the - John Owen  Also Mortification of Sin in Believers

    Mortification, A Discourse of - Stephen  Charnock 

    My Utmost for His Highest - Oswald Chambers

    Naves Topical Bible  Also Here

    Necessity of Prayer by E. M   Bounds full text on line

    New Life, The - Andrew Murray

    New Park Street Sermons by C. H. Spurgeon (Over 300 sermons on line)

    New Schaff Herzog Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge

    New Testament Documents-Are they Reliable? complete text by F. F. Bruce

    On the Christian Life by John Calvin

    Paul the Traveler and Roman Citizen by William Ramsay

    John Piper Sermons  20 years worth

    Possibilities of Prayer by E. M. Bounds - full text online

    Power of the Blood of Jesus - Andrew Murray

    Power of Prayer  E. M. Bounds - complete text on line.

    Practical Religion by J. C. Ryle

    Prayer Life, The - Andrew Murray

    Profiting from the Word by A. W. Pink

    Pursuit of God, The - A. W. Tozer

    Putting God on  Trial: The Biblical Book of Job by Robert Sutherland

    Reformed Faith and Arminianism - Part 1  Part 2   Part 3   by John Murray

    The Reformed Pastor - by Richard Baxter full txt

    Revelation by Horatius Bonar

    A. T. Robertson Word Pictures Full textonline

    Robert Murray McCheyne - A. A. Bonar

    The Man in Romans7 by Fred Malone 

    Romans Verse by Verse by William R. Newell (complete on line)

    Sanctification - Thomas Watson
    The Sanctity of Truth - John Murray

    Scofield Reference Notes  Also SRN

    The School of Calvary by J. H. Jowett

    Secret of Guidance, The - F. B. Meyer

    Sermons of F. W. Robertson 

    Serious Call to a Devout Life - William Law

    Sketches in Jewish Social Life Alfred Eldersheim

    The Sovereignty of God A. W. Pink complete book on line  Also here 
    The Sovereignty of God - John Murray

    Spurgeon on Psalms
    Treasury of David (complete)

    Spurgeon Devotion Morning and Evening
    Ray C. Steadman Reference Library Many of Ray's books and Bible studies are on this important site.

    Sermons on Important Subjects by Charles G. Finney full text

    Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God - Jonathan Edwards

    Sketches of Jewish Social Life - Alfred Edersheim

    Summa Theologica By St. Thomas Aquinas

    The Temple - Its Ministry and Service Alfred Eldersheim

    Ten Commandments by Thomas Watson

    Ten Reasons Why I Believe the Bible is the Word of God by R. A. Torrey full online version

    Torrey's New Topical Text Book   by R. A.Torrey full txt   Also here

    Tozer, A. W.

    The Treasury of David C. H. Spurgeon on the Psalms full text

    The Training of the Twelve A. B. Bruce -full on line

    Treasury of David -C. H. Spurgeon on Psalms

    Trinity, Doctrine of  - John Owen Also Doctrine of Trinity

    Trinity, Doctrine of - Jonathan Edwards (Unpublished Essay)

    Trinity - John Calvin (in Institutes of Christian Religion)

    Trinity - Thomas Boston 

    The True Vine by Andrew Murray full text online
    Vines Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words

    The Way of Salvation Charles G. Finney - full text 25 sermons on salvation

    The Temple - It s Ministry and Services - Alfred Edersheim

    Treasury of Scripture Knowledge

    Wesley Explanatory Notes

    With Christ in the School of Prayer   Andrew Murray (All 36 chapters online)

    Word Pictures of the New Testament - A. T. Robertson

    Wrongly Dividing the Word of Truth - H. A. Ironside

    Why Four Gospels?  A. W. Pink full text of book

    Zondervan ChurchSource
    Zondervan Ministry Resources
    Zondervan Publishing House - Academic, Reference and Ministry




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