Abide in Christ Sermons and Bible Studies"That we may present every person
complete in Christ."


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Statement of Faith


What do we believe and teach on Abide in Christ? Of course the best way is to read and study our expository Bible studies. However, for a general over view of our doctrinal beliefs here is a good place to begin. Any one who holds to the great historical, evangelical, reformed, Biblical convictions will find us a kindred of spirit. 

"There never was a man in the world without a creed. What is a creed? A creed is what you believe. What is a confession? It is a declaration of what you believe. That declaration may be oral or it may be committed to writing, but the creed is there either expressed or implied." ― B. H. Carrol



  • 2nd London Baptist Confession (1689)  With MouseOver the scripture reference for hundreds of Bible passages cited for these doctrines. Excellent way to study these great doctrines of our faith.


  • Abstract of Principles     Southern Baptist Theological Seminary 1858 Founding Principles every professor signs. Excellent summary statement of Biblical theology.           




Bible word studies for sermon preparation, messages, devotions and personal Bible studies with abiding principles and practical applications.  Key Bible Doctrines


"I Saw God Do it!" Mission Reports with Wil & Ann Pounds

Reports on what God is doing through Bible believing evangelical Christians in Honduras, Nicaragua, Peru, India and Ecuador. Jesus said, "If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it shall be done for you" (John 15:7).


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SELAH 365 Daily Bible Studies

Index of 365 Bible studies and sermon starters.


Christ in the Old Testament

Study the master theme of the Bible with these prophecies and types in the Old Testament of the coming of the Messiah, Jesus Christ.

Expository Sermons

Free Sermons and Bible studies indexed by Scripture reference and   doctrinal studies.





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