"That we may present every person complete in Christ."
great things from God!
Attempt great things for God!"
--- William Carey
Christ's Ambassadors in Ecuador
"We are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were making an
appeal through us; we beg you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to
God" (2 Corinthians 5:20).
Above photo Don Dumas and Dr. Pete Ritchie sharing the plan
of salvation in a rural village of Ecuador.
One of our rural mountain villages was
Yaguarcocha which loaned us their school to conduct our medical dental
ministry in October 2018.
Alejandro did an excellent job visiting in three communities preparing for the medical dental evangelism team.

Team praying with a new believer in Jesus Christ.
Robin Hicks and Linda Dickerson fitted reading and sun glasses.
Robin is shown here ministering to an elderly man.
Sometimes its takes two dentists! Drs. Pete Ritchie and
John Howell, Jr. teamed up with Dr. Brian Carrillo our Ecuadorian
Below, Bill Clements' commitment to provide a
critical need for our dentists.
Dra. Evelyn Munoz our Ecuadorian medical doctor attending patients.
Robin and Linda helping a man find the correct reading glasses as he
reads John 3:16.
Robin sharing the love of Jesus Christ with a patient.
Wil translating for Billy.
Dr. Carrillo is a dedicated, compassionate Ecuadorian dentist
who is a vital member of our team.
Drs. John Howell, Jr, Pete Ritchie, and Brian Carrillo serving
Christ in Ecuador.
Robin and Linda provided experienced
dedicated eye glass care to patients.
Dedicated Ecuadorian Christians
minister to youth with Abide in Christ evangelism teams.
Peniel Theological Seminary Academic Dean and professor, Damaso is
sharing Christ with youth at the medical dental clinic.
Alejandro, John and Don sharing Christ with patients.
Don's Spanish had really improved with each evangelism team trip to
Ecuador, Honduras and Nicaragua. Here he is sharing Christ with a man.
He has a love for the Gospel and a true gift of evangelism.
Another Christian with a passion
for personal evangelism is Jerry who joined Wil the second week. Here
Jerry is sharing Christ with some men in the subdivision near the new
seminary property.
Beautiful child with a fresh picked field ripened Ecuadorian
Wil and Jerry finished up the week witnessing
in the subdivision around the new seminary property, and a retreat for
the board of directors for Peniel Theological Seminary.
If you sense the Lord would have you be a part of any of these opportunities to serve please feel free to contact us at the link below. Your prayers are greatly appreciated.
Key Word Studies on Bible Doctrines Statement of Faith Se Habla Español
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