Missions Index
NEW Divine Encounter in Guayaquil
NEW Study to Show
Your Self Approved of God in Ecuador
NEW Seminary Extension in Guaranda,
NEW Workmen Approved of God
Quichua Pastors and Wives'Conference 2012
Teaching Evangelism by Doing It
NEW Miskito People Evangelism Training in Nicaragua
Where Would You Begin?
Power of God to Salvation of Quechuas
Key Word Studies Doctrine Conference in Santo Domingo, Ecuador
Hunger for God's Word in
Sowing and Reaping in Nicaragua PDF
Dr. John Howell's Evangelism Team Report on Ecuador PDF
Pastor's Conference with the Quechuas in Riobamba, Ecuador August 2011
Quechua churches in Riobamba, Gatazo, and Jipijapa,
Ecuador in June, 2011
Born to Multiply in Santo
Domingo, Gataso, San Bardardo, and Guayaquil, Ecuador
Workshops in Wiwili, San
Juan de Rio Coca, and San Raphael de Norte
Ministry to Quechuas
Construction of new Baptist Mission Ocotal, Nicaragua
Construction completed in Danli & Zapotillo - Evangelism Training in
Powerful Personal Witness for
Christ Over 500 Personal Decisions
Evangelism Workshops in Chachapoyas Peru
Evangelism Training in Nicaragua 2010
Las Crusitas Bible Institute in Honduras
and the city of Talanga
Evangelism Workshops four cities in Nicaragua
Evangelism Team in Lepaterique, Honduras
Evangelism Workshops with
Nicaraguan Baptist pastors in Ocotal
Evangelism Team Witnessing
in Danli and Zapotillo
Evangelism and Construction Team Danli & Zapotillo January 2009
Team in Palacaguina, Nicargua
Door-to-Door Evangelism Team at Las Acacias report by Dr. John
Church that Meets in Pablo's House
Two New Missions Completed in Honduras
God at Work in Two New
Mission Starts in Honduras
Evangelism Conference in Nicaragua
Gospel Outreach in
Regions Beyond
Dental Evangelism and Church Growth
Graduation of Students
New Mission Churches
Preach the Gospel in Season
and Out
Mission Outreach in Danli, Honduras
Biblical Preaching & Teaching Course - Follow-up on Zapotillo
Baptist Mission Started in Zapotillo,
God in a
Cigar Factory!
Children's Bible Classes in Danli, Honduras
Baptism of new believers in Danli,
Institute Courses by Extension
Juan Alberto
Herrera's Testimony
First Bible
Institute Course taught at Danli January 2005
Seminary Extension Courses in Managua, Nicaragua
Who are we?
La Esperanza
La Brea
San Francisco
Deaf Community
San Lucia
Tererro Blanco
Playon de Paz
Report by Rex Henderson
Missionaries and Missionary Christians
by Tom Ascol
____ "We never
test the resources of God until we attempt the impossible"
-- F. B. Meyer _____
"We must
do something!
Expect great things from God! Attempt great things for God!"
-- William Carey,
father of the modern missionary movement.
"Anything God has ever done He can do now. Anything He has ever done
anywhere, He can do here! Anything God has ever done for anyone He can do
for us" - A. W. Tozer
Non-profit faith based
Short-term Volunteer Mission Projects designed with a clear focus on church
planting in rural areas of the world.
I Saw God Do It!
Wil & Ann Pounds
February 12, 2006 - Praise our great God and
Savior for a wonderful opportunity to teach Biblical preaching to rural pastors and church
leaders in Danli. Students studied Paul's Letter to the Philippians
and preached through it. For their final exam each student gave a five
minute sermon or Bible study from their favorite passage of Scripture.
For three hours we sang songs and preached. It was like a great
Bible conference! Wil also preached at the new mission at Zapotillo.
Over 40 children and adults were in attendance. Gabe Churchwell gave New
Testaments to the those who did not have Bibles. Please begin praying of
for next course Wil will teach the first week of April.
January 10, 2006 - Please pay for Wil Pounds
and Gabe Churchwell February 2-11. Wil will be teaching a course on
expository Bible preaching and teaching for pastors and church leaders
at Alpha and Omega Baptist Church in Danli, Honduras. Gable will be
working to distribute Bibles in every home, and school in Zapotillo
where we began the new mission last October. Students from Wil's class
on evangelism will also be helping in the distribution. We praise the
Lord for His provision of airplane tickets and meeting the expenses for
this trip.
October 27, 2005 a new Baptist
mission was started in Zapotillo, Honduras. We also praise the Lord
for 55 new believers as a result of the Personal Evangelism and
Discipleship course Wil taught in Danli.
September 20, 2005 - We praise the Lord for
pastor Saulo starting a Bible study/evangelism outreach at Zapotillo.
Two school teachers have been praying for a Bible-believing church in
their town. "We want a Baptist church that preaches what you preached
when you came to our town with the medical-dental team three years ago."
The first service had 18 in attendance. Also, we thank the Lord for
Miguel, one of our students, who has a group of 24 new believers in a
new subdivision in Danli. Please pray for Saulo, Miguel and these new
outreaches. Pray for a Bible distribution of the town next year.
September 9, 2005 - We praise the Lord for
His provisions, safety and excellent attendance for the course on
Introduction and Survey of the New Testament. Also, God invited us to
join Him in a ministry to 225 employees in a factory in Danli. God in a Cigar Factory Sixteen pastors and
over 80 church leaders in Nicaragua are praying together and asking for
the seminary extension courses to be taught there. Please pray for God's
provisions. When He provides we will enter the door. Also, pray for our
next course to be taught October 20-29 on Evangelism and Missions in
August 12, 2005 - We can give testimony to
God's faithfulness. He has provided for the course on Introduction to
the New Testament which will be taught by Wil August 20-26. Thank you
for your prayers. Pray for illumination of the Holy Spirit for Wil and
the students as they study in Danli, Honduras.
June 28, 2005 - We have been invited by 90
pastors and church leaders to provide Bible seminary extension courses
in rural Nicaragua. Please pray for wisdom as we seek God's direction in
this request. We want to enter this door only if the Holy Spirit is
leading us. Pray that the Lord will provide textbooks. Pray for the
Lord's direction and provision. We would like to begin this seminary
extension in January 2006.
June 18-24, 2005 - Wil taught the third
seminary extension course in Danli, Honduras. We praise the Lord for
excellent response to the Introduction to the Old Testament with
emphasis on Christ in the Old Testament. Wil's 220 page book Cristo
en el Antiguo Testament, volume 1 covering Genesis - Psalms, arrived
from the publisher in time for the course and was
provided as a free gift to students. Victor Castro is busy working on
proof reading volume 2 which covers the prophets of the Old Testament.
The August course will be on the Introduction to the New Testament. John
Havard worked on electrical wiring for Juan Alberto's house, and Brenda
taught children Bible classes with emphasis on salvation bracelets for
children. Beautiful response!
May 31, 2005 - Praise the Lord for providing
the expenses for the June seminary extension courses in Danli, Honduras.
Students are busy finishing up their April course and are excited about
the next course on the Old Testament. Please pray for Wil's preparation
and for the students.
April 28, 2005 - We give praise to our Great
God and Savior for providing the funds to put the roof on the house of
Juan Alberto in Danli, Honduras. Great is Thy faithfulness! We
will be able to finish his house before the rainy season starts. Thank
you for praying for this faithful pastor who coordinates our work in
Please pray for airplane tickets for the
third seminary extension course Wil will teach in Danli in June. This
course will be the "Introduction and Survey to the Old Testament."
Students will also receive a copy of Wil's book, Cristo en el Antiguo
Testamento (Tomo I - Genesis a los Salmos). Christ in the Old
Testament, Vol. 1, Genesis to the Psalms is a 220 page book in
Spanish. This material can also be found at www.AbideInChrist.org/.
Praise the Lord for an excellent week of
ministry in Danli, Honduras April 4-9! Praise the Lord for the arrival
of the text books. We enjoyed baptizing new believers, decisions for
Christ and excellent classes. Thank you for praying! Baptism of
new believers in Danli, Honduras April 2005
Pray for Seminary Extension classes April
4-9, 2005 in Danli, Honduras. Wil will translate for Bruce Kreutzer, Ph.D., who will teach the second course on Principles of
Teaching. Praise the Lord for the arrival of the textbooks. Word
from Juan Alberto is that 20 more students will attend this new class.
Pray for the students during the week.
Praise the Lord for the 47 rural pastors,
evangelists, and church leaders who studied Introduction to Bible
Study and Interpretation in Danli, Honduras in January 2005. The
response of the students who had a hunger to study God's Word was a
definite confirmation that this is where God is at work. The students
will spend two months continuing to study their text book and make
practical application of their class room experience. First Bible Institute Course taught at Danli
January 2005
Pray for the Lord's guidance as we move
forward in preparing classes and make final preparations for the
seminary extension ministry in Honduras to train rural pastors,
evangelists and church workers. This is a joint ministry with the
Missions Department at Luther Rice Seminary. Pray for Juan Alberto
Herrera and Victor Castro and Wil Pounds. Please pray for us as we will
deliver ten courses over the next two years. These Bible Institute courses are provide free
of charge for all Honduran students.
Praise the Lord for the response to two
courses Wil taught in August for Luther Rice Seminary's Institute for
Biblical Studies in Managua, Nicaragua. He taught courses on New
Testament Survey and Church History to Nicaraguan pastors and church
leaders. Seminary Extension Courses in Managua,
Praise the Lord for a successful
Medical-Dental-Evangelism team trip to Nikoliev, Ukraine in October. We
praise the Lord for providing the resources and funds through Temple
Baptist Church, Hattiesburg, MS. The response of the churches and
communities was excellent. Please continue to pray for the believers in
this country. Ukraine
- Praise the Lord for our ministry to rural
pastors in New Delhi, India. Over the past four years Pastor Hongsha has
been publishing Wil's expository sermons and Bible teaching in
the Deepti (means "Lamp") magazine
for pastors. This is a beautiful twenty-five page, 8x11, "pulpit
companion" magazine that exclusively uses Wil's studies. It is sent free
of charge to over 2,000 Indian rural pastors in India. Will has been
invited to speak at the Indian rural Pastors Conference. Please pray
that the Lord will provide the round trip air tickets for this teaching
- Pray as we seek the Lord's direction to take
a medical-dental-evangelism team to Ecuador in late summer or early fall
next year. If you are interested please contact us.
Ann and I served in the Republic
of Panama and 20 years in mission work in the Republic of Ecuador.
During the last ten years we have worked with missions teams and
Honduran pastors as Team Captain and Field Director in Honduras.
We need small construction and evangelism
team to work with us in rural towns and villages in Latin America.
We will provide all logistics
for the team, purchase of tickets, exit permits, professional documents,
etc. Each person joining the team will be responsible for securing
his own funds to cover air travel, room and board, and any personal
If you sense the Lord would have
you be a part of any of these opportunities to serve please feel free to
contact us at the link below. Your prayers are greatly appreciated.
--Wil & Ann
We will provide all logistics for the team, purchase of
tickets, exit permits, professional documents, etc. Each person
joining the team will be responsible for securing his own funds to cover
air travel, room and board, and any personal expenses.
If you sense the Lord would have you be a part of any
of these opportunities to serve please feel free to contact us at the link
below. Your prayers are greatly appreciated.
Give Us Your
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Also best way to email us.
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Beyond the Gates of Splendor, DVD
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