
Sermons & Bible Studies

Abide in Christ

Christ in Old Testament

Personal Growth

Daily Devotions

Abide in Christ Mission Teams

Abide in Christ Missions in Action

"Expect great things from God!
Attempt great things for God!

Abide in Christ is a faith ministry dependent upon the Lord and Bible believing Christians to provide free of charge Bible teaching ministries to build up His church and to reach unbelievers for Jesus Christ.  Mission Statement 

Abide in Christ, Inc.
P. O. Box 17921
Hattiesburg, MS 39404-7921


Missions Index

NEW Divine Encounter in Guayaquil

NEW Study to Show Your Self Approved of God in Ecuador  PDF

NEW Seminary Extension in Guaranda, Ecuador    PDF

NEW Workmen Approved of God     PDF 

NEW Quichua Pastors and Wives'Conference 2012    PDF

NEW Teaching Evangelism by Doing It   PDF

NEW Miskito People Evangelism Training in Nicaragua PDF

Where Would You Begin?   PDF

Power of God to Salvation of Quechuas   PDF

Key Word Studies Doctrine Conference in Santo Domingo, Ecuador

Hunger for God's Word in Ecuador 

UPDATE Sowing and Reaping in Nicaragua   PDF 

Dr. John Howell's Evangelism Team Report on Ecuador  PDF

Pastor's Conference with the Quechuas in Riobamba, Ecuador August 2011    PDF 

Quechua churches in Riobamba, Gatazo, and Jipijapa, Ecuador in  June, 2011    PDF

Born to Multiply in Santo Domingo, Gataso, San Bardardo, and Guayaquil, Ecuador    PDF 
Evangelism Workshops in Wiwili, San Juan de Rio Coca, and San Raphael de Norte    PDF 

Ministry to Quechuas    PDF

Construction of new Baptist Mission Ocotal, Nicaragua    PDF 

Construction completed in Danli & Zapotillo - Evangelism Training in Teupasente

Powerful Personal Witness for Christ Over 500 Personal Decisions

Evangelism Workshops in Chachapoyas Peru

Evangelism Training in Nicaragua 2010

Las Crusitas Bible Institute in Honduras and the city of Talanga

Evangelism  Workshops four cities in Nicaragua

Evangelism Team in Lepaterique, Honduras

Evangelism Workshops with Nicaraguan Baptist pastors in Ocotal

Evangelism Team Witnessing in Danli and Zapotillo

 Evangelism and Construction Team Danli & Zapotillo January 2009

Evangelism Team in Palacaguina, Nicargua

Door-to-Door Evangelism Team at Las Acacias report by Dr. John Howell

Church that Meets in Pablo's House

Two New Missions Completed in Honduras

God at Work in Two New Mission Starts in Honduras

Evangelism Conference in Nicaragua

Gospel Outreach in
Regions Beyond

Medical Dental Evangelism and Church Growth

Graduation of Students
New Mission Churches

Preach the Gospel in Season
and Out

Mission Outreach in Danli, Honduras

Biblical Preaching & Teaching Course - Follow-up on Zapotillo

Baptist Mission Started in Zapotillo, Honduras

God in a
Cigar Factory!

Children's Bible Classes in Danli, Honduras

Baptism of new believers in Danli, Honduras

Bible Institute Courses by Extension

Juan Alberto Herrera's Testimony

First Bible Institute Course taught at Danli January 2005

Seminary Extension Courses in Managua, Nicaragua




Who are we?

La Esperanza

La Brea



San Francisco

Deaf Community



San Lucia

Tererro Blanco

El Playon de Paz

Report by Rex Henderson

Christian Missionaries and Missionary Christians
by Tom Ascol


"We never test the resources of God until we attempt the impossible"
-- F. B. Meyer


"We must do something!

Expect great things from God! Attempt great things for God!" -- William Carey,
father of the modern missionary movement.


"Anything God has ever done He can do now. Anything He has ever done anywhere, He can do here! Anything God has ever done for anyone He can do for us" - A. W. Tozer

Non-profit faith based Short-term Volunteer Mission Projects designed with a clear focus on church planting in rural areas of the world.

I Saw God Do It!
Wil & Ann Pounds

Quichua Pastor & Wives'
Conference 2012

Peniel Theological Seminary's 2nd Annual Pastor and Wives' Conference, Riobamba, Ecuador

"For from Him and through Him and to Him are all things. To Him be the glory forever. Amen" (Romans 11:36).

My most impressionable moment at the Second Quichua Pastors and Wives' Conference at Riobamba, Ecuador, came as I stood praying over thirty people who had just made public their decisions. Many in the congregation were weeping. There was a powerful sense of the presence of God sweeping over the congregation as I preached. You could sense God was working in hearts. It was a powerfully humbling experience knowing only God could do what you were seeing Him do. TO HIM ALONE BE THE GLORY.

To God alone be the glory.

I asked the team that participated in the Quichua Pastors and Wives' Conference to share their most impressionable moment at the conference.

Richard Alguilar translated for Ed Balducci and Jerry Starnes. He is a church planter in the capital city of Quito and professor of communications in the central university.

Richard said with enthusiasm, "What a passion for Christ!  That is the great point in this conference, Christ and only Christ, for He is sufficient for our life. The preachers did a good job to point out Christ for the glory of God."

Richard Aguilar translating for Jerry Starnes at Quichua Pastors' Conference.

Carmen Reinoso is a veteran Ecuadorian missionary of many years who now lives in Atlanta and with her husband works for the Spanish productions of Charles Stanley wrote:

"I thank the Lord and you for the privilege to serve my people here in Chimborazo. It was a blessing to me just looking around and seeing how God has blessed the ministry here. I remember being a teenager and hearing and looking at Miss Edith Kraus who lived so many years (around 30 years) preaching and teaching and serving and all she could show as fruit of her hard work was just one family, the Naula family. I feel privileged to be a witness of the fruit of her hard work. I just thank God to see so many of my brothers and sisters learning and sharing the joy of the Gospel.   

"The Congress was very organized and I loved the two new preachers, Ed and Tracy, I learned a lot from them. I enjoyed sharing our teachings with JoAnn. I saw the ladies were happy and blessed."

Carmen Reinoso teaching pastors' wives at Quichua Pastor and Wives' Conference.

Jo Ann Starnes presented Bible studies for Quichua pastor wives' said, "My most impressionable moment at this conference happened after Carmen Reinoso taught a lesson. She had the ladies to write ten things for which they were thankful. One after another said how thankful they were to attend this conference. So many times there were Bible studies for their husbands but never anything offered for them. They have a hunger to learn. I thank God for the opportunity to have shared Biblical principles with them. Hopefully, they will grow in spiritual wisdom because of this conference."

Cindy translating for Jo Ann Starnes at Quichua Pastors Wives' Confernece.

Carmen's daughter Cindy Reinoso de Aguilar translated for Jo Ann describes her most impressionable moment:

"The stars in their eyes said what a million words could never say.  The women at the Riobamba 2012 congress were so happy, blessed and thankful that they were taken into consideration to take part and have their own speakers.  Their words 'These words are new to me and I have been blessed by them'… 'I came but never imagined how wonderful these teachings would be to my life'… 'I have learned so much and I take with me new hope to live and face my circumstances'… 'Thank you for coming and sharing these new words with us, I am very happy, God bless you', made me realize how much we take for granted and all I can say is Praise God for using the team and bringing Glory to His name. And not only the lady attendees were blessed but I too praise God for using the team in my own life, helping me let go and forgive with God’s help those who hurt us in the past and knowing that I am free at last."

Jerry Starnes spoke on the Second Coming of Christ. He said: "At the end of my presentation on Wednesday, I had been answering questions about the rapture of the church and the tribulation period. A student asked about Matt. 24:39-40. He did not agree with me, but he said I was a strong preacher and a man of God and everything else I preached was in line with what he believed. Their overwhelming acceptance of me the entire week was a blessing."

Wil translating for Tracy Hipps at the Genesis Quechua Bilingual Evangelical Church service.

Tracy Hipps from Petal, Mississippi, spoke on the Man of God at the Quichua Pastor's Conference. He also preached at the evening worship service at the Genesis Bilingual Evangelical Church. Tracy said, "I was very impressed when I stood each day to teach God's Word to these men of God. I could just see their hunger to hear, study and learn God's Word. They were so attentive and in tune as I taught. It was as though they couldn't write fast enough as I was speaking and teaching. I am most impressed with the vision, desire and passion of Alberto Copa to provide a good quality seminary for these men to be taught how to study and learn God's Word to prepare them as men of God. I could see it in his eyes, hear it from his heart and that excites me to no end. My prayer and desire is to see God fulfill their each and every need for His honor and glory."

Evening services at Quichua Pastors and Wives' Conference, Riobamba, Ecuador.

Lee Goudelock, the only layman on the team is President of the Board of Abide in Christ, which sponsored the Quichua conference. He said, "I was particularly impressed to see pastors learning from their pastors. I was glad to see the active participation by the attenders of the conference, but it really dawned on me as I watched Ed Balducci explaining his material to Jo Ann and Jerry Starnes. I was impressed by the humility of the presenters as they continue learning in their walk with Christ.

"Also, the hospitality of Alberto and Nancy Copa left an impression on me. I felt at home around them and very welcome. They demonstrated their care and concern for the people they serve."

Jane and Lee Goudelock with Wil, Jerry and Jo Ann at Quichua Pastors Conference.

Cindy translating for Ed Balducci at Pastor and Wive's Conference.

Ed Balducci gave presentations on the pastor and his family to couples, and then special studies separately for the women. He said, "My most impressionable moment came while eating lunch with the leaders of Peniel Seminary at the president's home. I saw that teaching ministry leaders had the potential to make many disciples and have great impact in Ecuador. These students have a hunger to know God and to share the gospel. I was grateful that God has given me a chance to invest in their lives. What they learn at Peniel Seminary, they will teach to many others when they return to their homes and churches."

Peniel Theological Seminary asked me to give the presentations each night to the pastors and their wives and the general public in Riobamba. Choirs came from all over Ecuador. Each night eight or ten groups sang before I preached. Thursday night close to 20 groups sang before I preached. They expected me to give an hour presentation each night. The Director of Peniel, Alberto Copa, asked me to give four presentations from my new book Doctrinas Llavines de la Biblia (Key Bible Doctrines). Each of the pastors received a free copy of the 160 page book. The conference was broadcast on local fm radio stations, internet and television. We praise the Lord for the opportunity to share Christ and build up the local churches. On Monday night after the broadcast Alberto received two calls from Spanish  listeners in New York City.

Wil's new book on Bible doctrines was given to pastors who attended the conference.

Genesis Bilingual Evangelical Church also gave a special presentation to Abide in Christ for our ministry to them of encouragement and help with the construction of their church.

Plaque given to Abide in Christ in recognition of its ministry to and through the Genesis Bilingual Evangelical Church in Riobamba, Ecuador.

Please continue to pray for Abide in Christ's ministry to the Quichuas of Ecuador and Peniel Theological Seminary. Wil will continue to teach evangelism courses and conduct evangelism training in the churches pastored by Peniel seminary students.


what you can do?

Partnership missions gives you an opportunity to become personally involved in what God is doing in world missions. Pray daily for the work in Honduras. Give financially.  We are a faith mission and are dependent upon your financial gifts. Please pray about becoming involved in the support of our mission. “As long as the Lord provides I will give … $25  $50  $100 $___ a month.” Current Needs:

q     Pastor and Church Leadership Training Ministry in Ecuador.  Each trip costs approximately $3,000 and covers airplane tickets, room and board, rent for truck, gas, local workers, textbooks and food for students.

q     Pray for evangelism saturation teams to do door-to-door evangelism and rallies at night.

q     Pray for scholarships for Peniel Seminary students in Riobamba, Ecuador.

q     Pray for Evangelism Workshops with Nicaragua Baptist pastors.

q     Pray for wisdom to know where the Lord is leading to conduct evangelism workshops and where to focus teaching ministry. We have been asked to return every three months and teach Ecuadorian pastors.

q     Pray for the continuation of these one-day, three-day weekend, and one week Evangelism Workshops for pastors and church leaders in churches in Latin America. 

q     Pray for Alberto & Nancy Copa

Alberto Copa Director of Peniel Theological Seminary Riobamba Ecuador

Alberto Copa with his wife Nancy

Alberto is a pastor and leader in the Quechua Evangelical Churches in Chimborazo Province, Ecuador. He is Director of the Peniel Theological Seminary in Riobamba, Ecuador. He has over 20 years experience pastoring bilingual churches in Ecuador. He and his wife are both graduates of an evangelical seminary in Bolivia.

q     All gifts to Abide in Christ are tax deductible under IRS 501 (c) (3) tax exempt status.

Abide in Christ, Inc.

P.O. Box 17921
Hattiesburg, MS 39404
(601) 408-9874
Wil & Ann Pounds
Up-to-date mission reports and prayer requests:


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Sermons & Bible Studies

Abide in Christ

Christ in Old Testament

Personal Growth

Daily Devotions