
Sermons & Bible Studies

Abide in Christ

Christ in Old Testament

Personal Growth

Daily Devotions

Abide in Christ Mission Teams

"Medicine--the magnet
that draws people to Christ."


Missions Index

NEW Divine Encounter in Guayaquil

NEW Study to Show Your Self Approved of God in Ecuador  PDF

NEW Seminary Extension in Guaranda, Ecuador    PDF

NEW Workmen Approved of God     PDF 

NEW Quichua Pastors and Wives'Conference 2012    PDF

NEW Teaching Evangelism by Doing It   PDF

NEW Miskito People Evangelism Training in Nicaragua PDF

Where Would You Begin?   PDF

Power of God to Salvation of Quechuas   PDF

Key Word Studies Doctrine Conference in Santo Domingo, Ecuador

Hunger for God's Word in Ecuador 

UPDATE Sowing and Reaping in Nicaragua   PDF 

Dr. John Howell's Evangelism Team Report on Ecuador  PDF

Pastor's Conference with the Quechuas in Riobamba, Ecuador August 2011    PDF 

Quechua churches in Riobamba, Gatazo, and Jipijapa, Ecuador in  June, 2011    PDF

Born to Multiply in Santo Domingo, Gataso, San Bardardo, and Guayaquil, Ecuador    PDF 
Evangelism Workshops in Wiwili, San Juan de Rio Coca, and San Raphael de Norte    PDF 

Ministry to Quechuas    PDF

Construction of new Baptist Mission Ocotal, Nicaragua    PDF 

Construction completed in Danli & Zapotillo - Evangelism Training in Teupasente

Powerful Personal Witness for Christ Over 500 Personal Decisions

Evangelism Workshops in Chachapoyas Peru

Evangelism Training in Nicaragua 2010

Las Crusitas Bible Institute in Honduras and the city of Talanga

Evangelism  Workshops four cities in Nicaragua

Evangelism Team in Lepaterique, Honduras

Evangelism Workshops with Nicaraguan Baptist pastors in Ocotal

Evangelism Team Witnessing in Danli and Zapotillo

 Evangelism and Construction Team Danli & Zapotillo January 2009

Evangelism Team in Palacaguina, Nicargua

Door-to-Door Evangelism Team at Las Acacias report by Dr. John Howell

Church that Meets in Pablo's House

Two New Missions Completed in Honduras

God at Work in Two New Mission Starts in Honduras

Evangelism Conference in Nicaragua

Gospel Outreach in
Regions Beyond

Medical Dental Evangelism and Church Growth

Graduation of Students
New Mission Churches

Preach the Gospel in Season
and Out

Mission Outreach in Danli, Honduras

Biblical Preaching & Teaching Course - Follow-up on Zapotillo

Baptist Mission Started in Zapotillo, Honduras

God in a
Cigar Factory!

Children's Bible Classes in Danli, Honduras

Baptism of new believers in Danli, Honduras

Bible Institute Courses by Extension

Juan Alberto Herrera's Testimony

First Bible Institute Course taught at Danli January 2005

Seminary Extension Courses in Managua, Nicaragua




Who are we?

La Esperanza

La Brea



San Francisco

Deaf Community



San Lucia

Tererro Blanco

El Playon de Paz

Report by Rex Henderson

Christian Missionaries and Missionary Christians
by Tom Ascol

"We never test the resources of God until we attempt the impossible" -- F. B. Meyer

"We must do something!

Expect great things from God! Attempt great things for God!" -- William Carey,
father of the modern missionary movement.

"Anything God has ever done He can do now. Anything He has ever done anywhere, He can do here! Anything God has ever done for anyone He can do for us"  - A. W. Tozer

Spanish for Mission Trips

Short-term Volunteer Mission Projects designed with a clear focus on church planting in Honduras.

San Francisco de Soroguara, Honduras, March 2002.


“You shall be my witnesses . . . to the remotest part of the earth” – Acts 1:8


edicine – the magnet that draws people to Christ.

Medical-dental-evangelism teams are self-contained. Prior to the time of their arrival mission teams spend months purchasing and packing medical supplies for shipment to Honduras.


Once the team’s supplies arrive in the airport we pre-pack all our medications, food, water, and equipment in a cargo truck and take it to our work location.

“We want to discover where God is at work, and with His permission get right in the middle of what He is doing.”

Several months before the team arrives the Field Director visits the community and gets the cooperation of the school director, teachers, mayor of the town, local pastors, etc. who are responsible for publicity and getting the community to respond to the medical caravan. The most important question: “Is God at work in this community? Does He want this team to work here at this time?” If there is no clear conviction that God is leading us we do not go to that town with this team.

We typically work out of school buildings because they are centrally located in the community and provide sufficient space for medical, dental, pharmacy, eyeglasses, sleeping quarters, kitchen area, etc.

Our Honduran cooks prepare the food at the work site. Some teams bring a helper to assist in the kitchen. High sanitary conditions are maintained to guard the health of all team workers.

CHILDREN RESPOND TO A GOOD DOCTOROn a recent trip to San Francisco de Soroguara community the school director helped with registration of patients and listened to the messages preached in the worship services. During the last service he sat on the front row listening intensely. As soon as the invitation was given he responded giving his life to Christ. He told the local pastor, “I am ready to help you and the church in whatever way I can. I will be there Sunday to worship and go out with you to serve.”

“A missionary is one whose heart is broken by the things that break the heart of God.”


We use classrooms for medical stations which usually consist of six to twelve doctors and nurses working in a large room. We set up a pharmacy in another school room, and use rooms for dental, eyeglasses and worship services. Sometimes dentists work outdoors on the porch. 


We must never make an apology for being in dead earnest about world missions . . . We must not retreat until Jesus Christ tells us he made a mistake in coming into the world to redeem men.

We conduct around twenty-five worship services during each team visit. Every patient must attend a worship service before he can see a doctor or dentist.

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Children’s worship services are held in separate areas so their needs can be adequately addressed.


Everyone who makes decisions during the week receive immediate follow-up. After a person makes a decision another pastor or team worker immediately spends time explaining to the person his decision and answering questions. In San Francisco de Soroguara and La Union 115 people made decisions for Christ, and we treated a thousand patients with free medicine and services.

After the team leaves town the local pastor, or the pastor of the church that is starting a new work in the area follows-up on those who made decisions for Christ.

What can you do?

Partnership missions gives you an opportunity to become personally involved in what God is doing around the world.

Pray that our Honduran staff will be led by the Holy Spirit to the locations where God is at work, and that Team Captains will be alert to the leading of the Holy Spirit for their teams.

Support a mission team or missionary couple financially. This is a faith ministry and each missionary, volunteer and mission team depends upon the Lord to provide the financial needs for medicine, food, shipping, translators for doctors, nurses and preachers, etc.

Go on a medical-dental-evangelism team.

Interested in joining a mission team for a week or more?


NEW FREE SCREEN SAVER & WALLPAPERS for your PC's.  Pictures of children in Honduras with Scripture verses.  "children1.scr" (as is - no warranty).

Our purpose is to carry the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ through Medical, Dental, and Veterinary services that minister to people in need.

Our goal is to evangelize the country of Honduras so that every person will be an authentic believer and witness for Jesus Christ.

We provide professional assistance for volunteer mission teams of doctors, nurses, pharmacists, veterinarians, construction, evangelists, etc. to poor villages and rural areas that do not have doctors, clinics and health services available.

“I have been praying for years that God would give us an opportunity to serve Him in world missions.”


Sermons & Bible Studies

Abide in Christ

Christ in Old Testament

Personal Growth

Daily Devotions