
Sermons & Bible Studies

Abide in Christ

Christ in Old Testament

Personal Growth

Daily Devotions

Abide in Christ Missions in Action

"Expect great things from God!
Attempt great things for God!

Abide in Christ is a faith ministry dependent upon the Lord and "kindred of spirit" to provide free of charge Bible teaching ministries to build up His church and to reach unbelievers for Jesus Christ.


Missions Index

NEW Divine Encounter in Guayaquil

NEW Study to Show Your Self Approved of God in Ecuador  PDF

NEW Seminary Extension in Guaranda, Ecuador    PDF

NEW Workmen Approved of God     PDF 

NEW Quichua Pastors and Wives'Conference 2012    PDF

NEW Teaching Evangelism by Doing It   PDF

NEW Miskito People Evangelism Training in Nicaragua PDF

Where Would You Begin?   PDF

Power of God to Salvation of Quechuas   PDF

Key Word Studies Doctrine Conference in Santo Domingo, Ecuador

Hunger for God's Word in Ecuador 

UPDATE Sowing and Reaping in Nicaragua   PDF 

Dr. John Howell's Evangelism Team Report on Ecuador  PDF

Pastor's Conference with the Quechuas in Riobamba, Ecuador August 2011    PDF 

Quechua churches in Riobamba, Gatazo, and Jipijapa, Ecuador in  June, 2011    PDF

Born to Multiply in Santo Domingo, Gataso, San Bardardo, and Guayaquil, Ecuador    PDF 
Evangelism Workshops in Wiwili, San Juan de Rio Coca, and San Raphael de Norte    PDF 

Ministry to Quechuas    PDF

Construction of new Baptist Mission Ocotal, Nicaragua    PDF 

Construction completed in Danli & Zapotillo - Evangelism Training in Teupasente

Powerful Personal Witness for Christ Over 500 Personal Decisions

Evangelism Workshops in Chachapoyas Peru

Evangelism Training in Nicaragua 2010

Las Crusitas Bible Institute in Honduras and the city of Talanga

Evangelism  Workshops four cities in Nicaragua

Evangelism Team in Lepaterique, Honduras

Evangelism Workshops with Nicaraguan Baptist pastors in Ocotal

Evangelism Team Witnessing in Danli and Zapotillo

 Evangelism and Construction Team Danli & Zapotillo January 2009

Evangelism Team in Palacaguina, Nicargua

Door-to-Door Evangelism Team at Las Acacias report by Dr. John Howell

Church that Meets in Pablo's House

Two New Missions Completed in Honduras

God at Work in Two New Mission Starts in Honduras

Evangelism Conference in Nicaragua

Gospel Outreach in
Regions Beyond

Medical Dental Evangelism and Church Growth

Graduation of Students
New Mission Churches

Preach the Gospel in Season
and Out

Mission Outreach in Danli, Honduras

Biblical Preaching & Teaching Course - Follow-up on Zapotillo

Baptist Mission Started in Zapotillo, Honduras

God in a
Cigar Factory!

Children's Bible Classes in Danli, Honduras

Baptism of new believers in Danli, Honduras

Bible Institute Courses by Extension

Juan Alberto Herrera's Testimony

First Bible Institute Course taught at Danli January 2005

Seminary Extension Courses in Managua, Nicaragua




Who are we?

La Esperanza

La Brea



San Francisco

Deaf Community



San Lucia

Tererro Blanco

El Playon de Paz

Report by Rex Henderson

Christian Missionaries and Missionary Christians
by Tom Ascol

"We never test the resources of God until we attempt the impossible" - R. G. Lee

"We must do something!

Lengthen the cords! Strengthen the stakes!

Expect great things from God! Attempt great things for God!

The King! The King!!

The continents! The continents! Here am I send me, send me!"
-- William Carey,
father of the modern missionary movement.

"Anything God has ever done He can do now. Anything He has ever done anywhere, He can do here! Anything God has ever done for anyone He can do for us"  - A. W. Tozer

Non-profit faith based Short-term Volunteer Mission Projects designed with a clear focus on church planting in rural areas of the world.

I Saw God Do It!
Wil & Ann Pounds

University Students go Door-to-Door
Evangelism Team at Las Acacias

by Dr. John Howell

Mark witnessing></p>

<p><span width=

"The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few” (Matthew 9:37).

Four of us from Woodland Heights Baptist Church in Conway, Arkansas recently joined Bro. Wil Pounds in Danli, Honduras to share Jesus Christ door to door in the Las Acacias subdivision of Danli and in El Zapotillo.  It was obvious God had prepared the hearts of these communities.  He had prepared up four wonderful interpreters, local church pastors and members of the Alpha and Omega Baptist Church to be used by Him.  During this week, more than 75 people accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior. 

Ana Bessy Plata

Ana Bessy Plata

On the first day, one of our first visits, of door-to-door evangelism I had shared with a young lady by the name of Ana Bessy Plata, who prayed to receive Christ.  We shared with several others who rejected.  As we walked down one of the narrow dirt streets, I prayed for God to give us and open door and open hearts before it came time to return to Alpha and Omega Baptist Church.  We turned the corner and stopped at the first house we came to. “Buenos”, Marlo, my interpreter said.  We introduced ourselves to the man that came to the gate.  I told him I was from the United States and had come with some “Good News”. 

Jorge Miranda family

Jorge William Miranda and family

We asked if we could come in and share with him.  He graciously welcomed us in and proceeded to set up chairs for us to be able to sit down.  I shared though my interpreter why I had come to his house and began sharing my testimony.  His wife and children had come in by this time.  When I asked the family if they were to die tonight would they spend eternity in Heaven, they all said, “no!”  I then asked them if I could share with them how they could be sure that when they died, they would spend eternity in Heaven.  They all said, “YES!”  I opened God’s Word and shared the Gospel of Jesus Christ with them.  Then I asked, “Would you like to receive God’s free gift of eternal life”?  I asked each one individually, father, mother, and each of the three children.  They all said, “yes!”  Praise the Lord!  They each prayed the “sinner’s prayer” and the whole household accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior.  Acts 16:31 – “Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved – you and your household.”  Glory to God! (Jorgy William Miranda (father), Sonia de Miranda (mother), Osman Enrique Funes - 11, Cindy Areli Funes – 10 and Kevin Areli Funes – 8 are pictured in the photo).

Day Care workers

Day care teachers at Las Acacias

One afternoon, after lunch, we headed out from the church to once again share Jesus with the people in Las Acacias.  We came to a daycare with a lot of little children playing outside.  My interpreter asked if we could come in and talk to the teachers.  One of the teachers opened the gate and let us in.  They got some chairs and set them on the porch for us all.  We shared why we were here in Honduras.  The ladies listened as I shared my testimony.  Afterwards, I asked them if they knew Jesus Christ.  They all said no.  I opened God’s word to John 3:16 and began sharing how God loved them and wanted a right relationship with them.  But, because of sin, they were separated from God. 

I led them through God’s Word (following the Roman Road) and showed them from scripture  how they could be made right before God through a personal relationship with His Son, Jesus Christ.  All four teachers, Dolores de Jesus Oseguera, Patricia Valerio, Elena Mejig and Altagracia Flores, prayed to receive Christ.  We gave the teachers Spanish New Testaments.  One of the teachers was trying to learn English and asked if we had an English Bible.  I gave her the New Testament I was given when I became a Gideon.

One morning we had begun sharing Jesus with a teenager on the street.  One of her friends came riding up on a bicycle.  We shared Jesus with both of the teenage girls but they rejected God’s gift.  Later that afternoon, my interpreter, Alba and I were in a home sharing Jesus with a mother (Marta Rodriguez), grandmother (Rosa Maria Rodriguez) and a visitor (Marbely Aracely Castro). 

Martha Rodrigues family

Martha Rodriguez and family

A girl came in while we were sharing.  Alba asked if I recognized the girl who came in.  It was the girl on the bicycle who we had shared Jesus with that morning.  Her name was, Evelyn Yaneht Bonilla, the daughter of Marta Rodriguez.  Her friend Marbely was at her house.  We shared the gospel with all of them.  Rosa, Marta, and Marbely said they wanted to receive God’s gift of eternal life.  I told the girl we had talked with that morning, Evelyn, that this was the second time today she had heard about God’s love and free gift and asked her if she wanted to accept Jesus Christ into her heart now.  She said she did and they all four prayed to receive Christ.  Praise God for His work in these hearts.

There were many others who opened their homes to us as God opened their hearts.  The power of the Holy Spirit supplied all we needed to share with each person.  You could see and feel the power of the Holy Spirit as He convicted many people of their sin and need for a Savior.  God is at work in these communities through his local church and others he calls to missions.  We enjoyed God’s blessings by being a part of His work.

What You Can Do

Partnership missions gives you an opportunity to become personally involved in what God is doing in world missions.

Pray daily for the work in Honduras.

Pastor and Church Leadership Training Ministry in Honduras.  

Pray for three evangelism saturation teams to do door-to-door evangelism and rallies at night.

We have prepared one-day Evangelism Workshops for churches in Latin America.  These are patterned after the personal evangelism course we teach pastors and church leaders, but are shorter.  This course has proven to be very practical and effective in personal evangelism. It was first used in Ecuador and Honduras.  The vision for training rural pastors began with this course in mind while serving as a missionary in Honduras.

Juan Alberto Herrera Ministry Alberto has faithfully served 18 years as a contract worker with mission teams. We Juan alberto Herrera familyagree with him that it is God’s will for him to serve as a full-time evangelist and pastor.  Juan pastors a Honduran Baptist Convention church in Danli. He is our Director for Pastor and Church Leadership Training in Honduras.  

Juan Alberto Herrera is an evangelist and pastor of Alpha and Omega Baptist Church.




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Sermons & Bible Studies

Abide in Christ

Christ in Old Testament

Personal Growth

Daily Devotions