
Sermons & Bible Studies

Abide in Christ

Christ in Old Testament

Personal Growth

Daily Devotions

Abide in Christ Missions in Action

"Expect great things from God!
Attempt great things for God!

Abide in Christ is a faith ministry dependent upon the Lord and Bible believing Christians to provide free of charge Bible teaching ministries to build up His church and to reach unbelievers for Jesus Christ.  Mission Statement 

Abide in Christ, Inc.
P. O. Box 17921
Hattiesburg, MS 39404-7921


Missions Index

NEW Divine Encounter in Guayaquil

NEW Study to Show Your Self Approved of God in Ecuador  PDF

NEW Seminary Extension in Guaranda, Ecuador    PDF

NEW Workmen Approved of God     PDF 

NEW Quichua Pastors and Wives'Conference 2012    PDF

NEW Teaching Evangelism by Doing It   PDF

NEW Miskito People Evangelism Training in Nicaragua PDF

Where Would You Begin?   PDF

Power of God to Salvation of Quechuas   PDF

Key Word Studies Doctrine Conference in Santo Domingo, Ecuador

Hunger for God's Word in Ecuador 

UPDATE Sowing and Reaping in Nicaragua   PDF 

Dr. John Howell's Evangelism Team Report on Ecuador  PDF

Pastor's Conference with the Quechuas in Riobamba, Ecuador August 2011    PDF 

Quechua churches in Riobamba, Gatazo, and Jipijapa, Ecuador in  June, 2011    PDF

Born to Multiply in Santo Domingo, Gataso, San Bardardo, and Guayaquil, Ecuador    PDF 
Evangelism Workshops in Wiwili, San Juan de Rio Coca, and San Raphael de Norte    PDF 

Ministry to Quechuas    PDF

Construction of new Baptist Mission Ocotal, Nicaragua    PDF 

Construction completed in Danli & Zapotillo - Evangelism Training in Teupasente

Powerful Personal Witness for Christ Over 500 Personal Decisions

Evangelism Workshops in Chachapoyas Peru

Evangelism Training in Nicaragua 2010

Las Crusitas Bible Institute in Honduras and the city of Talanga

Evangelism  Workshops four cities in Nicaragua

Evangelism Team in Lepaterique, Honduras

Evangelism Workshops with Nicaraguan Baptist pastors in Ocotal

Evangelism Team Witnessing in Danli and Zapotillo

 Evangelism and Construction Team Danli & Zapotillo January 2009

Evangelism Team in Palacaguina, Nicargua

Door-to-Door Evangelism Team at Las Acacias report by Dr. John Howell

Church that Meets in Pablo's House

Two New Missions Completed in Honduras

God at Work in Two New Mission Starts in Honduras

Evangelism Conference in Nicaragua

Gospel Outreach in
Regions Beyond

Medical Dental Evangelism and Church Growth

Graduation of Students
New Mission Churches

Preach the Gospel in Season
and Out

Mission Outreach in Danli, Honduras

Biblical Preaching & Teaching Course - Follow-up on Zapotillo

Baptist Mission Started in Zapotillo, Honduras

God in a
Cigar Factory!

Children's Bible Classes in Danli, Honduras

Baptism of new believers in Danli, Honduras

Bible Institute Courses by Extension

Juan Alberto Herrera's Testimony

First Bible Institute Course taught at Danli January 2005

Seminary Extension Courses in Managua, Nicaragua




Who are we?

La Esperanza

La Brea



San Francisco

Deaf Community



San Lucia

Tererro Blanco

El Playon de Paz

Report by Rex Henderson

Christian Missionaries and Missionary Christians
by Tom Ascol


"We never test the resources of God until we attempt the impossible"
-- F. B. Meyer


"We must do something!

Expect great things from God! Attempt great things for God!" -- William Carey,
father of the modern missionary movement.


"Anything God has ever done He can do now. Anything He has ever done anywhere, He can do here! Anything God has ever done for anyone He can do for us" - A. W. Tozer

Non-profit faith based Short-term Volunteer Mission Projects designed with a clear focus on church planting in rural areas of the world.

I Saw God Do It!
Wil & Ann Pounds

Sowing and Reaping in Nicaragua

Pastor praying with new believer in Nicaragua.
Pastor José Carballo praying with a man who has just trusted in
Jesus Christ as his personal Savior in La Concepcion, Nicaragua.

Jesus said, "One sows, and another reaps. I sent you to reap that for which you have not labored; others have labored, and you have entered into their labor" (John 4:37-38).  

The Evangelism workshops on personal witnessing have been  used of God to plant new missions in Nicaragua over the past three years. We have presented 65 conferences in different locations in Northern Nicaragua. They have been so well received that pastors and church leaders look for opportunities to take a "refresher" course on evangelism with us. We can only praise the Lord for the opportunity to serve Him. We are thankful that the emphasis on evangelism has met a need in the churches, and they have caught the vision of starting new missions.

Abide in Christ is working with David and Carolina in Totogalpa, Nicaragua.











Abide in Christ works with First Baptist church Ocotal, Nicaragua to start new work.

David and Carolina Zedon have started two churches in Totogalpa area using Abide in Christ evangelism materials.

David participated in  Evangelism Workshops at First Baptist Church, Ocotal, Nicaragua. He translated for Abide in Christ university evangelism teams and pastors  from the U.S. In February 2010 he began two new preaching points in Totogalpa which have now become missions. He and his wife Carolina work in the new missions and translate Abide in Christ materials for www.AbideInChrist.org  Spanish website.

The second mission David started is in a rural community near Totogalpa. Here are photos of work being done on the property in rural area of San Marten, Nicaragua. Abide in Christ is providing funds for this work. The pictures were taken in February 2012 of church members clearing the land for the building, and the drying of mud blocks for the walls. Please pray daily for these new mission projects.

In January 2013 the church construction has been completed with the floor, sidewalk and patio area. Work has also begun on a pastor's home nearby.

As of January 2013, there are 18 families attending the church, and another mission has been started with five families in the Quebrada Grande community.

Here is the construction update as of April 2012. All that is needed is the roof.

Completed Totogalpa Mission January 2013
The completed mission building at Totogalpa, Nicaragua, January 2013. 

In September 2011, Wil conducted workshops in Jalapa, Pueblo Nuevo, La Libertad Chontales, and La Concepcion, Nicaragua. Each of these locations was well attended and people came to a saving relationship with Christ as a result of participants going door-to-door witnessing. We go to small rural communities as well as larger well developed cites.

oxcart Nicaragua - Abide in Christ teaches personal evangelisn in rural Nicaragua.









Some things, even in the modern world, never seem to change in La Concepcion.

Evangelism in Depth workshops in rural Nicaragua.

After practicing personal witnessing in small groups in the church, the participants go out into the neighborhood near the church and witness in groups of two or three. This reinforces what they are learning in the classes, and results in decisions for Christ.

Abide in Christ teaches personal evangelism in Nicaragua.

Class member is sharing Christ with a neighbor.

One pastor said at a recent conference, "We have had teams come in from the States and give us boxes of tracts and tell us to go out and distribute tracts and invite people to come to the evangelistic service at night. You have come and taught us how to witness, and we have gone out in groups and put into practice what you are teaching us. Now as you leave we have a stack of decision cards and it is now our responsibility to follow-up on these decisions. We also know how to teach personal witnessing to the members of our churches."

Wil's training manual was written in Spanish for a five day conference. It begins with the need for evangelism, personal preparation for witnessing, a clear presentation of the plan of salvation using John 3:16 and the Roman Road. The participants are taught how to mark their New Testament or Bible with the plan of salvation. A demonstration is given in front of the class and then the class is broken up into groups of three and each person has an opportunity to practice witnessing to another person. During the three and five day workshops the class goes into the neighboring community several times putting into practice what they are learning. The course also includes characteristics of the false gospels, cults, Mormons, Jehovah's False Witnesses, and basic materials on helping new believers get started in living the Christian life.

 Abide in Christ evangelism workshops.

Small group participation in the class in important in Abide in Christ evangelism training.

Wil was the guest speaker for the 442nd anniversary celebration of the first Spanish Bible translation in the city of La Libertad, Nicaragua. Evangelical churches came together in celebrating Bible Day. Wil gave "Ten Reasons why I preach the Bible is the Word of God" and centered his message on the "message" of the Bible which is salvation by grace alone through faith alone in Jesus Christ's vicarious substitutionary atonement.  Bible Day Celebration turned out to be a great evangelistic outreach in the community.

Celebrating 442 years of the Bible in Spanish in Nicargua.

Wil preached the sermon at the Bible day celegration in La Libertad, Nicaragua.

Will is training local pastors to teach these evangelism materials in other locations.

Abide in Christ teaches pastors in personal evangelism.

Aristides Bustillo is teaching a section of the evangelism workshop in Nicaragua.

Evangelism trainin gin Jalapa, Nicaragua - Abide in Christ

Abide in Christ evangelism training in La Libertadad, Nicaragua.

what you can do

Partnership missions give you an opportunity to become personally involved in what God is doing in world missions. Pray daily for the work in Honduras. Give financially.  We are a faith mission and are dependent upon your financial gifts. Please pray about becoming involved in the support of our mission. “As long as the Lord provides I will give … $25  $50  $100 $___ a month.” Current Needs:

q     Pastor and Church Leadership Training Ministry in Ecuador.  Each trip costs approximately $3,000 and covers airplane tickets, room and board, rent for truck, gas, local workers, textbooks and food for students.

q     Pray for evangelism saturation teams to do door-to-door evangelism and rallies at night.

q     Pray for scholarships for Peniel Seminary students in Riobamba, Ecuador.

q     Pray for Evangelism Workshops with Nicaragua Baptist pastors.

q     Pray for wisdom to know where the Lord is leading to conduct evangelism workshops, and where to focus teaching ministry. We have been asked to return every three months and teach Ecuador pastors.

q     We are presenting one-day, three-day weekend, and one week Evangelism Workshops for pastors and church leaders in churches in Latin America. 

q     Pray for Alberto & Nancy Copa

Alberto Copa Director of Peniel Theological Seminary Riobamba Ecuador

Alberto Copa with his wife Nancy

Alberto is a pastor and leader in the Quechua Evangelical Churches in Chimborazo Province, Ecuador. He is Director of the Peniel Theological Seminary in Riobamba, Ecuador. He has over 20 years' experience pastoring bilingual churches in Ecuador. He and his wife are both graduates of an evangelical seminary in Bolivia.

q     All gifts to Abide in Christ are tax deductible under IRS 501 (c) (3) tax exempt status.

Abide in Christ, Inc.

P.O. Box 17921
Hattiesburg, MS 39404
(601) 408-9874
Wil & Ann Pounds
Up-to-date mission reports and prayer requests:


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Sermons & Bible Studies

Abide in Christ

Christ in Old Testament

Personal Growth

Daily Devotions