"That we may present every person complete in Christ."
great things from God!
Attempt great things for God!"
--- William Carey
Available to be Used of God
"I know your deeds. Behold, I have put before you and open door which no one can shut, because you have a little power, and have kept My word, and have not denied My name" (Revelation 3:8).
Above photo Dr. John Howell
sharing Christ with individuals in Pifo, Ecuador.
Over and over again the theme of this week
of medical dental evangelism was make yourself available to God, and
let Him work in and through you to accomplish His eternal purpose.
Sometimes circumstances are out of our
control. The week started off with political protests by indigenious
groups against the Ecuadorian government. Tires, trees, and
construction debre were burned on the interstate highways and streets,
especially around the capital city of Quito. After several days of
negotiations an agreement was reached with the President of Ecuador on
Sunday afternoon.
Don Dumas and Billy Windom praying with a man who just received Christ
as his Savior.
Christian refugees serving Christ in an evangelical Church in
We had three excellent days of ministry in
four centrally located communities near Yaruquí where a Peniel
Seminary extension is located. As in Acts 16, the Lord closed two
doors and opened others for this team. We made ourselves available to
Him, and He put us in the right place, at the right time where He
wanted us to witness for His glory.
Above is Billy Windham with a patient.
October 14-16, 2019, we saw 340 medical
patients, 131 dental patients with 44 extractions, and fitted 161
reading glasses. We gave out nearly 400 New Testaments. We also had
the privilege of seeing 210 individuals place their faith in Jesus
Christ as their Savior.
The Abide in
Christ October 2019 medical dental evangelism team, including 8
Ecuadorian team members.
Linda Dickerson and Robin Hicks with
their translator fitting reading glasses with a patient.
Above four dentist examining a patient! We greatly appreciate the
commitment of our missionary dentists who serve Christ. Our Eduadorian
dentist, Brian faithfully serves on each team. He is highly regarded
by our dentists as patient, caring, professional.
Our highly skilled patient
professional Ecuadorian dentist with a child.
Every team member is
vital to our ministry. Bill Clements provides a unique and critical
help for our dentists.
Jane Howell serves as a nurse
and children's Bible teacher. She and Nancy Copa enjoy the presence of
a small baby.
Don and two
of our dentists, Bill Alfonso and Pete Ritchie sharing Christ
with a patient.
Don and Bill presenting Christ with patients.
Dr. Ritchie sharing Christ with individuals waiting to see the
doctors and dentists.
Dr. Alsonso with a medical
Ecuadorian medical doctor attending to a patient.
Dr. Ritchie attending to the needs of a dental patient.
Don is a pharmacist who loves to
tell people about God's saving grace through Jesus' death and
Wil and Don sharing Christ with man on the street in Pifo.
I would rather to have dreamed big, and
failed than to sit and do nothing.
What would you do for Christ if you knew
you could not fail?
ü Praise the Lord!
Property for the Riobamba campus has been paid in full.
ü Pray for wisdom
for building design, God's provision of funds, and volunteer
construction work teams.
ü Pray for
evangelism teams to go door to door witnessing in this unreached area
of Riobamba. Our goal is to plant a new church and use the seminary
building for worship services. Pray for Alejandro as he leads this
ü 10th
Annual Abide in Christ Pastor Leadership Conference at Peniel
Theological Seminary July 30-August 2 with Wil and Ann Pounds. This
will also celebrate the 10th Anniversary of the seminary
since its founding.
ü Pray for Alejandro
Guacho, Damaso Francisco and Peniel Seminary students who are
following-up on the medical evangelism teams, and are encountering
intense persecution by the catholic priest in some locations.
ü Personal
Evangelism in Depth conferences in Quichua churches.
ü Wisdom for Wil and
Ann Pounds, Dr. John Howell, and board as we seek the Lord's direction
for future ministries of Abide in Christ.
Key Word Studies on Bible Doctrines Statement of Faith Se Habla Español
word studies for sermon preparation,
devotions and personal
Bible studies with abiding
and practical applications.
Christ in the Old Testament

Study the master theme of the Bible with these prophecies and types in the Old Testament of the coming of the Messiah, Jesus Christ.
Expository Sermons

Free Sermons and Bible studies indexed by Scripture reference and doctrinal studies .