"That we may present every person complete in Christ."

"Expect great things from God! 
Attempt great things for God!
--- William Carey



God's Perfect Timing


"For if I preach the Gospel, I have nothing to boast of, for I am under compulsion; for woe is me is I do not preach the Gospel" (1 Corinthians 9:16).

Abide in Christ helps individuals read the Bible.

Above photo of Ann and Bobby Franklin fitting reading glasses to patients.  

The Abide in Christ medical dental evangelism team in February 2020 included Ann and Wil Pounds, Jerry Starnes, Bobbly Franklin, Billy Windham and a new nurse, Amy Holmes. 

God's perfect timing was evident since we had originally scheduled the team for March-April. Our team arrived back to the States before the corovirus travel restrictions were enforced. Ecuador closed the frontier soon after, and the embargo is still in effect. Please keep our Ecuadorian brethren in your prayers. Ecuador is the hot spot in Latin America. A number of pastors have died from the virus. 

Abide in Christ missionary preaching the Gospel in Ecuador.

Jerry Starnes preaching with Wil translating at La Iglesia Evangelica Bilingual Nuevo Genesis. 

Here are Ann's reflections on this team:

"Ann, do not fear.  Return to Ecuador! I will be with you."  What an unexpected response from God!  He took my desires and made it reality. Back to Ecuador. My adopted homeland.  "What is impossible with man is possible with God."  How exciting! How wonderful!

So God hand-picked six Americans:  two pastors, one nurse practioner, one upper respiratory nurse, and two old missionaries to join Ecuadorian nationals to evangelize a God-mapped community where no evangelical work existed. 

A mountainous Catholic church, erected on a high hill, beams over this spiritual deprived area where the virgin Mary is worshipped and Jesus as a mere tag-along.  Quechua Indians go about their daily lives steeped in staunched traditions, and religion.

Our focused, prepared team arrived with one mission -- preach Jesus and Jesus only. Medicine was used as a magnet to draw people in and eye glasses fitted so they could read the Bible for themselves. It was beautiful watching God opening glued eyes and redeeming men. And I must include  a very unexpected blessing!  My dear friend, Nancy Copa, was my right hand in fitting glasses. God hovered over us as we shared together the Gospel to an appointed people. God chose us. Sent us. Used us.  Now the rest is left to the Shepherd of the Andes.

Patient receiving attention at Abide in Christ medical tam.
Billy demonstrating Christian love with a patient.

Sharing Christ in Pifo, Ecuador.

Wil sharing the plan of salvation with a patient.

For me this small team was God's anwer to my prayers demonstrating to the Ecuadorians what God could do through them in reaching their communities with medical-dental and evangelism teams. Alejandro and Damaso provided excellent leadership before, during and after our arrival. I was excited about the excellent participation of Peniel Seminary board members and students and a Ecuadorian medical doctor and dentist.

Christian Missionary nurse demonstrate God's love.
Missionary nurse Amy with patients.

At the time of writing this report el Ecuador is under quarantine, and the virus is spreading rapidly to the large cities in the country. All churches and the Seminary are closed. Construction is temporarily halted at the Seminary.

Wil is teaching Ecuadorian pastors and students using the method "texting classes," and Zoom.
Wil is teaching a new course he has written for Peniel Theological Seminary on the cults. There are around 30 individuals involved in this course.  Please pray. At a later date this course will be part of the required curriculum for all graduates.

Man trusting in Chrsit as his savior.

Nancy & Ann praying with new believer.

Ecuadorian nurse teaching dental hygiene on Abide in Christ team.
Ecuadorian nurse teaching dental hygiene.

No! No, doctor it is this tooth! Our patient Ecuadorian dentist with a patient in Riobamba. 

Missionary medicine provides opportunities to share God's saving grace.
Bobby sharing Christ with patients.

Jerry sharing with patients the good news of God's saving grace through Jesus Christ.

Billy demonstrates patient loving care with babies and small children.

Abide in Christ team members with a humble, caring heart to minister to others in need.

Bobby ministering through helping individuals to read the Word of God.

Amy enjoying her time with patients in rural Ecuador.

Amy and Damaso greeting patients.

Ecuadorian doctor and nurse with a patient.

Bobby and Israel praying with patients who have just trusted in Christ and their Savior.

Jerry sharing the good news with patients at clinic.

Abide in Christ works closely with evangelical churches teaching, preaching, evangelistic ministries.
Abide in Christ works closely with Genesis Bilingual Evangelical Church in Riobamba, Ecuador.

Our colleague Alejandro Guacho is the pastor at Genesis. We have watched this body grow from a small church in the home of Alejandro and Ramona to a healthy outreach in the community. 

Damaso, the acamemic dean, and professor of evangelism and missions, presenting the saving gospel of Jesus Christ to a group of patients.

Ann with an eye patient at our clinic in Riobamba.

Franklin, Persident of Peniel Theological Seminary board of directors, witnessing to a patient. He is an engineer and a graduate of Peniel.

Segunda Copa, a graduate of the seminary, and a pastor witnessing.

My favorite cooks. Abagail and Jorge are both university graduatess in

culinary arts. They are pictured here with her parentes, Alberto and Nancy Copa and her brother Brian. Alberto is Rector and Founder of Peniel Theological Seminary.

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