"That we may present every person complete in Christ."

"Expect great things from God! 
Attempt great things for God!
--- William Carey




The Gospel of the Grace of God


"... that I may finish my course and the ministry which I received from the Lord Jesus ..." (Acts 20:24).

 Follow-up baptism of Abide in Christ medical team in Ecuador.


Above is photo of the baptism service in a mountainous community near Yaguarcocha, Ecuador. This mission was started as a direct result of our medical dental team in October 2018. Alejandro and students do follow-up.

"I do not consider my life of any account as dear to myself, so that I may finish my course and the ministry which I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify solemnly of the gospel of the grace of God" (Acts 20:24).

I have that same passion as the Apostle Paul had as I begin a new chapter of my ministry.

After completing rehab following a five-bypass heart surgury in December, I am making plans, according to God's will, to return to Ecuador August 1-10. This will be the the ninth Annual Abide in Christ Pastor Leadership Conference at Peniel Theological Seminary. Dr. Rick Cain will join me and give presentations on Discipleship. I will present a series on Preaching in Acts. We will also celebrate another graduation of students.

The next week Billy Windham and others will join me, and the Abide in Christ medical evangelism team will work with students at the Peniel Seminary Extension in Yaruquí near the capital city of Quito.

This is an invitation from these students for us to help them begin a new mission in an unreached rural Andean community.

In October the Abide in Christ medical dental evangelism team will work with Peniel students in a moutain village in the Chimborazo Province. We also have an invitation from Hebron Baptist Church in Tegucigalpa, Honduras, to take a door-to-door evangelism team there in November.

Baptism of new believers in Ecuador.

Above, Alejandro Guacho and Damaso Francisco are baptizing a new believer. On the left Peniel students putting into practice their personal evangelism course in the streets of Guayaquil. Below, two professors of evangelism – Damaso and Alejandro follow-up our on our teams with Peniel Theological Seminary students helping.

Evangelism professors at Peniel Theological Seminary follow-up on Abide in Christ evangelism ministries.

Baptism of new believers in Ecuador.
Baptism service of these new believers who responded to the Abide in Christ medical dental team in October 2018.

It is almost impossible to express the overwhelming joy and spiritual satisfaction when I saw the above pictures Damaso and Alejandro sent of the baptism and the students out in the streets of Guayaquil witnessing. This is an excellent example of follow-up on Abide in Christ teams working with national leadership. Our evangelism team was led of the Holy Spirit working through Alejandro to go to this rural mountain community and share Christ. I thank the Lord every day for the dedicated men and women mission volunteers who have a burning passion to go wherever the Lord opens the door. I thank the Lord for Damaso Francisco, Alejandro Guacho, Alberto Copa, and Peniel students who open the doors for us to be used of God in Ecuador.

Peniel Theological Seminary students in Guyaquil witnessing.
Peniel Theological Seminary students in evangelism course at the extension in Guyaquil witnessing.
What joy to see seminary students that I have been teaching in classes going out witnessing to the lost in the coastal city of Guayaquil. Please pray to the Lord of the harvest for reapers to go forth to fields ripe unto harvest.

Peniel Seminary students witnessing.
Peniel Theological Seminary students in the extension in Guayaqil putting in practice their personal evangelism course.

Bible class on street in Guyaquil, Ecuador.
Professor Damaso with a group of teens in Guyaquil, Ecuador.

Abide in Christ Medical team menber sharing Christ through personal witness.
Abide in Christ medical team member, Don Dumas sharing Christ with patients.

Don and Pete witnessing to men in a rural montain community in Ecuador.
Genesis Bilengual  Evangelical Church
Pastor Alejandro preaching in the church where he pastors in Riobamba, Ecuador. We deeply appreciate his ministry of follow-up of our work.


Praise the Lord! We thank the Lord for successful bypass heart surgery and rehab. I feel great, and have regained my strength. I am excited about the next chapter in missions.

Pray for wisdom, and for God's provision of funds for our medical dental and evangelism teams.  

ü Pray for evangelism teams to go door to door witnessing along with our medical teams. Pray for Alejandro as he leads this ministry, and for the seminary students.

ü Pray for the 9th Annual Abide in Christ Pastor Leadership Conference at Peniel Theological Seminary August 1-4.

ü Pray for the medical evangelism teams August 5-9 in Yaruquí, and the Chimborazo Province Oct. 10-16. 

ü Pray for an evangelism team for November 2019 to minister with the Hebron Baptist Church in Tegucigalpa, Honduras.

ü Pray about joining the Tegucigalpa team.

ü Pray for my Evangelismo en Profundidad (Evangelism in Depth) workshops in churches in Latin America.

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