"That we may present every person complete in Christ."

"Expect great things from God! 
Attempt great things for God!
--- William Carey




New Evangelism and Missions Department

at Peniel Theological Seminary




"Call unto me, and I will answer you, and I will tell you great and mighty things, which you do not know" (Jeremiah 33:3).

Peniel Theological Seminary evangelism team in Riobamba, Ecuador.
Above photo of evangelism team with Michael Pettitte witnessing in a subdivision of Riobamba, Ecuador, near the Peniel Seminary property.  


I did my field mission assignments while at New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary in the "heart of hell" in New Orleans. Every student was required to complete weekly mission assignments for two years as a graduation requirement. I preached on the street and did personal evangelism in Jackson Square and Bourbon Street area. Many mornings my wife never knew who would greet her on the living room couch as she headed off to teach school. These were often drunks I led to the Lord and brought home for the night.

There is something exciting about being involved in what God is doing when you are the right person in the right place at the right time.

This week I saw the Lord bring together the fulfilment of a dream for training Ecuadorian Quichua leaders in personal evangelism, discipleship and church planting. As the International Coordinator of Peniel Theological Seminary I have had a vision of a Department of Evangelism and Missions at the Seminary. Yes, the seminary has excellent courses on evangelism and missions, but my vision has been to make it a major focus of the outreach of the seminary preparing and sending out evangelism teams and missionaries all over Latin America and beyond. 

Peniel Theological Seminary annual Pastor Leadership Conference, Riobamba, Ecuador

The 8th Annual Abide in Christ Pastor Leadership Conference this year focused on Evangelism, Discipleship and Church Planting. The timing was perfect for the conference, and the individuals whom God chose to lead the conference.

Dr. Rick Cain give outstanding presentations on discipleship and the formation of churches. His emphasis on discipleship included excellent emphasis on the early church and the resurrection of Christ. The response of the students was outstanding.
Peniel Theological Seminary Pastor Leadership Conference
Dr. Cain on right with Wil, and Damaso, Peniel mission's professor. They are joined by a recent graduate of Peniel in Christian education. She is also a graduate of Ecuador's Chimborazo Univerity in Riobabma.

Eighty percent of Peniel graduates have also completed university studies elsewhere before coming students at the seminary. They include engineers, educators, medical doctors, systems engineers, business men and women, etc.

Damaso Francisco, the mission's professor, gave the best presentations I have ever heard on cross cultural missions. None of my graduate courses in the seminary were of this quality.

Alberto Copa as always gave outstanding practical challenging messages on the responsibilities of pastors and missionaries.
Abide in Christ Pastor's Confernece 2018 Riobabma, Ecuador

Above, Alberto Copa, Rector of Peniel Seminary, giving presentations on the call and preparation of spiritually mature pastors.

My presentations were on the biblical emphasis on personal evangelism in Acts, how to present the Roman Road, including demonstrations, etc. I concluded the conference on a challenge from The Autopsy of a Dead Church.. If you don't take seriously what this conference is all about your church will eventually die.
Abide in Christ evangelism personal evangelism demonstration at Pastor Leadership Confernece.

Above a demonstration on personal witnessing at the conference under the big tent on the seminary property.

Sensing the leading of the Lord, Ann and I funded the initial beginning of the Evangelism and Missions Department at Peniel Seminary. This will provide practical opportunities for students to put in practice what they are studying. It will also provide a future ministry for Abide in Christ teams in Latin
Abide in Christ teaches personal evangelism in Ecuadorian evangelical churches.
Alejandro witnessing to a responsive woman to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. She was from Quito and visiting her mother. Alejandro and Damaso head up the new Department of Evangelism and Missions at Peniel.
Peniel student evangelism team witnessing in Ecuador.
Evangelism team witnessing to a couple harvesting beans in a field. Both prayed and placed their faith in Christ as their Savior.

You, through your prayers and support make this ministry possible.


ü Pray for evangelism teams to go door to door witnessing in this unreached area of Riobamba. Pray for Alejandro and Damaso as they lead this ministry in the new Department of Evangelism and Missions.

ü Lord willing in September, I will teach a seminary course on Romans through Philemon at the Peniel Seminary extension in Guayaquil, Ecuador. I will also minister in Quichua churches and students in Riobamba.

ü Pray for the October 19-26, 2018 Medical Dental Team in Ecuador. Dr. Howell is the Team Captain.

ü Pray for evangelism team to join Jerry Starnes and me going door-to-door with seminary students in October 26-Nov 2. COME JOIN THE TEAM!

ü Pray for the third Evangelism in Depth, and Key Bible Doctrines Conference at Hebron Baptist Church in Tegucigalpa, Honduras, in November 2018.

Dr. Cain's observations on this trip: "Ecuador is an incredible country, from the snowcapped mountains to the warm and friendly people. I have fallen in love what God is doing there! For starters, Peniel Theological Seminary is providing much needed biblical grounding to serious students desiring to serve God in a greater way. Alberto Copa and the team there have been very impressive in their faithfulness and focus to their calling. The graduation ceremony this past trip will always be remembered by me as a time of seeing future leaders move on to the next season of their lives. It's an honor to serve in a small way with them. Church planting seems to be one direction God is moving in Ecuador, and what He will do there in the coming years, through both the seminary and church planting, will be a blessing to watch!"
Abide in Christ ministry in Quito, Ecuador.
Dr. Cain is a dentist, and graduate of Dallas Theological Seminary with an emphasis on church planting. He is a vital member of our Ecuadorian team. Here he is pictured with the southern part of the capital city of Quito in the background. Dr. Cain has a burden to see churches planted in urban centers of Latin America. 

Michael Pettitte, a school teacher from Texas, spent the first week with me and Peniel students witnessing. "I flew to Ecuador and spent a week in the town of Riobamba this July. I got to serve alongside Wil, Pastor Alejandro, and a few seminary students as we went throughout a village witnessing, praying and gauging people's interest in a Bible Study in the town. The ground in Ecuador is soft and ready for the Gospel. We visited 33 groups of people who were more than willing to let us pray with them and share the Roman Road. This particular village has a hunger for the Word and the Gospel and, thankfully, there are workers in Ecuador prepared to do this work. All of my stories are not fun though. I can tell you of a 95 year old man who said he had sinned too much to receive God's forgiveness. But, as a contrast to that story, I can tell you of a lady who cried as she prayed a prayer of repentance and salvation with Pastor Alejandro. The Lord is growing His church and faithful students in Ecuador. I felt privileged to get to work alongside them for a week. I highly encourage anyone to make the trip there and see what the Lord is up to."

Elderly man who said he sinned too much in life to be saved by grace. Alejandro reminded him that the sacrificial death of Jesus covers all our sins. Christ is the all sufficient Savior.

The second week of this trip I taught discipleship ministry in Mt Olives Bilingual Quichua Evangelical Church in Santo Domingo. This church has been using the Experiencing God materials by Henry Blackaby and demonstrating spiritual growth. I have made several trips to this church over the past three years encouraging them after a pastor divided the church with false doctrines. They are growing again in attendance and in spiritual vitality. I have taught Evangelism in Depth, how to maintain sound doctrine in the local church, key words in Biblical doctrine, work of the Holy Spirit, justification, sanctification, etc. Alberto Copa joined me in one of the presentations.

Alberto Copa sharing with Mt. of Olives congregation how the Lord has provded for Peniel Seminary, and how He led the church to purchase a piece of property to begin a retreat for the Quichua churches in Santo Domingo.

I also participated in special services representing the work of Peniel Seminary at three churches where we have seminary extensions in the Quito area. These were well received by the churches and a great encouragement to the students.

Peniel seminary extension in Quito, Ecuador.
One of our special programs at Gethsemane Bilingual Church in downtown Quito.

Large tent on the Peniel Seminary property for the 8th Annual Abide in Christ Peniel Seminary Pastor Leadership Conference. The tent held over 800 people, and was overflowing for the Wednesday evening gracuation service.

We even held graduation under the big tent this year to identify the property with the Seminary. The property is paid for and now we are trusting the Lord to supply the funds for the buildings.
Abide in Christ and Peniel Theological Seminary partnership in Ecuador.

We always have plenty of food at the conference!

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