"That we may present every person complete in Christ."
great things from God!
Attempt great things for God!"
--- William Carey
Peniel Theological Seminary Youth Day
"We are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were making an appeal through us; we beg you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God" (2 Corintians 5:20).
Above photo of Wil presenting Evangelism
in Depth presentation on the Roman Road to over 100 youth who attended
the one day Youth Conference at the Peniel Seminary Pastor Conference.
Below one of the presentations at the conference.
The Ninth Annual Abide in Christ Pastor
and Leadership Conference at Peniel Theological Seminary included a
special Youth Day. Over a 100 young people came to the Pastor
Conference this year to introduce them to the seminary.
One of the encouraging things at Peniel are
the number of children of students and graduates who have chosen to
further their education by beginning their studies at the seminary.
The age of students has progressively become younger. University
graduates have chosen to continue their studies at Peniel. Therefore,
the academic quality has risen over the last ten years.
Peniel Seminary has grown from ten students
ten years ago to around 200 in attendance this seminster.
One of the presentations under the big
tent at the Abide in Christ International Pastor and Students
Dr. Rick Cain joined Wil and gave five
presentations on discipleship and spiritual growth. These were well
received by the students. In additon to translating for Rick, Wil gave
five presentations on the Exaltation of Jesus Christ through His
resurrection, ascension, session at the right hand of the Father in
heaven, and His Second Coming. We also had excellent presentations by
two pastors from Bolivia and Brazil. Alberto Copa gave an outstanding
presentation on the call and responsabilities of the pastor.
Wil and Rick with one of the graduates from our extension in
Students from the Peniel Theological Seminary Guyaquil Extension who
attended the conference.
Recent graduates defending their
dissertations in preparation for graduation.
Wil with Maria and the Academic Dean, Damaso Francisco. Maria has
worked with our Medical Dental Evangelism Team on the last four
outreach ministries. It is always a joy to see her sharing the plan of
salvation with patients. She graduated with a degree in Christian
Maria sharing Christ with a patient
using the salvation bracelet and Roman Road gospel tracts.
pray for the Abide in Christ Medical Dental Evangelism team
ministering in Ecuador Oct. 10-16, 2019.
August 5-9, 2019 Billy Windham joined Wil to
work with the Ecuadorian Medical Dental Evangelism team. This team is
composed of an Ecuadorian medical doctor, dentist, evangelism
professors at Peniel Theological Seminary and students. The pastor of
the rural church where we ministered is a seminary student, and the
work was started with four families. It is in the community of
Apalmala de Vasconez in the area of Salcedo. During the months ahead
Alejandro Guacho will work with the pastor and these families to
follow up on those who made decisions. He will take seminary students
to visit house to house witnessing.
Billy examining a mother with her child in Salcedo.
Wil and Billy witnessing to a patient.
Professor of Evangelism, Damaso
Francisco sharing the plan of salvation with a lady who just received
reading glasses.
Pastor Segundo Moises Tulmo
and members of this new mission church.
Please pray for
the student pastor and Peniel students who are working with him to
take the Gospel to a very difficult mountainous area of Ecuador.
Please pray
for the Lord's provision of funds to construct the class room building
for Peniel Seminary.
Pray for the
Abide in Christ Medical Evangelism Team working in Ecuador Oct 10-16.
Pray for the
Medical Dental Evangelism Team as it makes plans for March 2020.
Pray as Wil
and Alberto Copa make plans for the 10th Annual Abide in Christ
Pastor Student Conference in July 2020. We will also celebrate the 10
Anniversary since the beginning of the seminary in Riobamba, Ecuador.
Pray for
wisdom to discern where God is working and where He wants Abide in
Christ to join Him in what He is doing.
Pray for the
Abide in Christ internet ministry in English and Spanish. We receive
emails from visitors to our expository Bible sermons and studies from
all over the world.
Key Word Studies on Bible Doctrines
Statement of Faith
Se Habla Español
word studies for sermon preparation,
devotions and personal
Bible studies with abiding
and practical applications.
Christ in the Old Testament

Study the master theme of the Bible with these prophecies and types in the Old Testament of the coming of the Messiah, Jesus Christ.
Expository Sermons

Free Sermons and Bible studies indexed by Scripture reference and doctrinal studies .