"That we may present every person complete in Christ."

"Expect great things from God! 
Attempt great things for God!
--- William Carey




Unquenchable Flame



"I remind you to kindle afresh the gift of God which is in you through the laying on of my hands. For God has not given you a spirit of timidity, but of power and love and discipline" (2 timothy 1:6-7).

Abide in Christ course at Peniel Theological Seminary Ecuador
Above photo of Yaruquí student presentation on villages within one hour travel time that do not have an evangelical church. As a result of this assignment, this group formed an evangelism team and requested the Abide in Christ April 2019 medical dental team to come and help them start a new work in an unreached town.  My Guayaquil students also asked for a medical dental evangelism team to join them in October 2019. In Pallatanga another group of students asked the October 2018 team to help them in an unreached mountain Quichua area.

Can you imagine what it would be like to have a future Billy Graham or Luis Palau sitting in the class you are teaching?

As I teach my courses for Peniel Theological Seminary in Ecuador I remind myself daily of the awesome responsibility I have to teach accurately and passionately the great biblical doctrines. I remind myself that one day I will give an account to my Lord and Savior for every word, every class, and every sermon I have ever preached for the last 58 years.

 I love to teach the Word of God. There is a deep joy when I see students responding to the truths of the Scriptures.

I count it a great privilege and opportunity to follow in the steps of those missionaries who planted the seeds, and watched them grow into churches across the Andes.

Most of the students are young university age. Quite a few are professionals who graduted from the university in law, medicine, engineers, administration, etc.
In September, I taught two courses. In Guayaquil I taught the Introduction to the Letters of the Apostle Paul to a group of new students. The second week I taught a course on Worship in Yaruquí. These were fourth year students who will graduate this year.

  Peniel Theological Seminary Guayaquil Extension

Wil with students in Guayaquil.

The first group of students in Guayaquil will graduate this year. They are so excited about their education that they are purchasing a piece of property and building for classrooms for the Peniel Theological Seminary extension in the port city of over three million population. These are young professionals and business people who love Christ and the Gospel.

Professor Damaso Francisco teaching a course on Romans for the fourth year students. Damaso is a missionary from Bolivia and also serves as the Academic Dean. He works with Quichua churches.

 Peniel Theological Seminary new classrooms 

Above drawing of the proposed new class room building for Peniel Seminary in Riobamba, Ecuador. We need welders and construction teams beginning in April 2019.


Alberto Copa Rector of Peniel Theological Seminary and pastor of evangelical churches in Ecuador.



 Praise the Lord! Property for the Riobamba campus has been paid in full.

 Pray for wisdom for building design, God's provision of funds, and volunteer construction work teams.

 Pray for welders to come and help with the columns, and construction crews to lay blocks.

 New Peniel Seminary extension began classes in central Quito, Ecuador. I will be teaching in this new extension next year.

 Personal Evangelism in Depth conferences in Quichua churches.

 Medical-dental evangelism team to work in Pallatanga, Ecuador, October 13-22, 2018. 

 Alberto and Nancy Copa, and professors at Peniel Theological Seminary in Riobamba.

 Wisdom for Wil and Ann Pounds as we seek the Lord's direction for future ministries of Abide in Christ.

"Jesus came … preaching the gospel of God" (Mark. 1:14).

"God had only one Son, and He made Him a preacher," the Puritan Thomas Goodwin.

  • We need small construction and evangelism team to work with us in rural towns and villages in Latin America.

If you sense the Lord would have you be a part of any of these opportunities to serve please feel free to contact us at the link below. Your prayers are greatly appreciated.

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