"That we may present every person complete in Christ."
great things from God!
Attempt great things for God!"
--- William Carey
Calling Out the Called
"Remember those who led you, who spoke the word of God to you; and considering the result of their conduct, imitate their faith (Hebrews 13:7).
Above photo of Wil teaching leaders at Hebron Baptist Church.
I just returned from teaching an introduction to the Apostle Paul's letters to a large group of leaders at Hebron Baptist Church in Tegucigalpa, Honduras.
I also presented a workshop on personal
evangelism in one of their mission churches. This is the
third year I have had the privilege of ministering in this church.
I love the emphasis of the pastor on
leadership training, expository preaching through books of the Bible,
sound biblical doctrine, evangelism teams, establishing mission
churches, etc. It is a joy to serve with Pastor Elmer.
I led a successful week long personal
evangelism conference in this biblically sound church in September
2016 using my training manual.
Above photo of the mission church where Wil presented the evangelism
workshop in Tegucigalpa.
Evangelismo en Profundidad training manuals for churches are provided free to each participant.
Above picture of participants in our
Evangelismo en Profundidad workshop practice presenting the plan of
salvation to each other.
Evangelism en Profundid training manuals in use in mission church of Hebron Baptist Church in northern Honduras December 2018. |
During the past
12 months, they have been studying the "Declaration of Faith" in the
appendices of my evangelism book.
Hebron Baptist Church
has asked for two Abide in Christ evangelism teams to come to Honduras
and do door to door personal evangelism in 2019.
Youth evangelism team at
The Lord is continuing to call out those
whom He has chosen to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ. We have the
privilege of disciplining and training His servants. I thank the Lord
each day for the faithful pastors, professors, and mission leaders who
gave me the opportunity to serve Him. God calls them; let's encourage
them to be all that God has called them to be. One day, we will have
the joy of hearing the Lord welcome these faithful men and women:
"Well done, my good and faithful servant, enter into the glory of the
"If you don't read; don't preach." Fifty-eight years ago
these were the solemn words of wisdom a preacher gave to me who was
retiring after 50 years of ministry. If you want to be a successful
minister of the Gospel, you must know the Scriptures. If you don't
study; don't preach. Let's teach them to love the Word.
Wil teaching the leaders Introduction to Paul's Letters at Hebron
Baptist Church.
Youth participation in evangelism training workshops at Abide in
Wil preached at the morning worship service at Hebron.
Wil preaching on Jesus Christ, my most valued person, from John 1 at
Hebron Baptist Church.
Hebron Baptist Church, Tegucigalpa, Honduras.
One of the mission churches
started by Hebron Baptist Church in Tegucigalpa.
ü Pray for wisdom
for the building design, God's provision of funds, and volunteer
construction work teams for Peniel Theological Seminary in Ecuador.
ü Our goal is to
plant a new church and use the seminary building for worship services.
Pray for Alejandro as he leads this ministry.
ü Evangelism in
Depth, and door-to-door evangelism teams at Hebron Baptist Church in
Tegucigalpa, Honduras, in June and November 2019.
ü Abide in Christ
evangelism teams in 2019. Pray for the Lord's guidance and direction.
ü Pray for Alejandro
Guacho and Peniel Seminary students as they follow up on the medical
teams. There is always intense persecution by the Catholic priests as
the work takes hold and grows. Pray for wisdom and spiritual
perseverance in the midst of the fires.
ü Pray for the
Lord's guidance and wisdom as we plan for 2019 and the future of Abide
in Christ ministries.
Pray for Dr.John Howell, Jr. and the
Abide in Christ board.
Key Word Studies on Bible Doctrines Statement of Faith Se Habla Español
word studies for sermon preparation,
devotions and personal
Bible studies with abiding
and practical applications.
Christ in the Old Testament

Study the master theme of the Bible with these prophecies and types in the Old Testament of the coming of the Messiah, Jesus Christ.
Expository Sermons

Free Sermons and Bible studies indexed by Scripture reference and doctrinal studies .