The Forces at War
The dragon , the devil, leads the
The forces of evil. His allies are
The first and second beasts. The first
Beast represents Domitian.
The Second beast represents the
Committee to enforce emperor
Worship. The Lamb symbolizes
The redeeming, victorious Christ.
The dragon is so large with the dash
Of his tail he can knock down the
Stars from the heavens. Before a
Helpless, pregnant woman he stands.
And makes efforts to destroy the Child.
The devil appeared to be the victor
When Christ was nailed to the Cross.
But the devil lost that conflict.
This is apocalyptic imagery.
A Battle is raging. Next, Satan
Tries to invade heaven to destroy
The Christ Child the son of God.
Next Poem Index of
(c) Rex H. Henderson 2003 - All poems are copyrighted by Rex
H. Henderson and are used by permission.
Joy and Sorrow
- Measuring the Temple
- The Two Witnesses
- Things to Come
- Mother and Her Child
- The Forces at War
- War in Heaven
- Devil and the Beast
- Christian’s Only
- The Second Beast
- The Father’s Own
- The Imitation of Christ
- Angels Bring Good
- A Voice from Heaven
- The Harvest of Judgment
- The Victors of Christ
- The Song of Victory
- Unapproachable
- Retributive Justice
- Satan’s Recruiting
- Armageddon
- The Seventh Bowl
- Rome
Becomes a Harlot
- Vision
in the Wilderness
- The
Scarlet Woman
- Beast
the Harlot Rode
- The
Fall of Babylon
- The
Final Desolation
- The
Rejoicing Saints