The Redeeming Lamb
John has seen the throne room of heaven
Where all creation sang praises to God
For the power of the Creator who made
The universe out of nothing.
John sees the triumphant Christ
Marching through the ages. The cradle,
The cross and resurrection are behind.
He is glorified and worthy of honor.
A roll is held in God’s strong hand
Which was written within and without
“Close sealed.” It appears the book is
One of judgment against the sins of men.
Who is worthy to break the seals
And open the scroll? No such person
Can be discovered either in heaven,
Or on the earth, or under the earth.
And John wept loudly until an elder
Forbade him to weep longer. For the
Worthy One, the Lamb, cruelly pierced,
And in dramatic perfect takes the scroll.
Next Poem Index of
(c) Rex H. Henderson 2003 - All poems are copyrighted by Rex
H. Henderson and are used by permission.
Joy and Sorrow
- Measuring the Temple
- The Two Witnesses
- Things to Come
- Mother and Her Child
- The Forces at War
- War in Heaven
- Devil and the Beast
- Christian’s Only
- The Second Beast
- The Father’s Own
- The Imitation of Christ
- Angels Bring Good
- A Voice from Heaven
- The Harvest of Judgment
- The Victors of Christ
- The Song of Victory
- Unapproachable
- Retributive Justice
- Satan’s Recruiting
- Armageddon
- The Seventh Bowl
- Rome
Becomes a Harlot
- Vision
in the Wilderness
- The
Scarlet Woman
- Beast
the Harlot Rode
- The
Fall of Babylon
- The
Final Desolation
- The
Rejoicing Saints