Victory over Satan*
Satan is chained for a thousand
Years. From Chapter 12 to this
Point three enemies are allied
In opposition to Christ and people.
The two beasts and the false prophet
Were overcome by the Victorious
Christ. Satan also must be dealt with.
The saints were robbed, exiled or slain.
Here John sets forth ultimate victory
And triumph of the cause of Christ.
Satan is bound for a thousand years,
An indefinite time, not literal.
The devil was cast into the bottomless
Pit for a thousand years, and afterward he
Was loosed for a short time and goes
Back to his old tactics deceiving nations.
Fire came down out of heaven and
Destroyed them. The devil was cast
Into the lake of fire where the beast
And false prophet had been cast.
The thousand years is a complete number.
It represents not a period of years before,
Or after the second coming of Christ
The saints are completely victorious.
* the views expressed in this poem are those of the
author and not necessarily those of the owner of this website.
Next Poem Index of Poems
(c) Rex H. Henderson 2003 - All poems are copyrighted by Rex
H. Henderson and are used by permission.
Joy and Sorrow
- Measuring the Temple
- The Two Witnesses
- Things to Come
- Mother and Her Child
- The Forces at War
- War in Heaven
- Devil and the Beast
- Christian’s Only
- The Second Beast
- The Father’s Own
- The Imitation of Christ
- Angels Bring Good
- A Voice from Heaven
- The Harvest of Judgment
- The Victors of Christ
- The Song of Victory
- Unapproachable
- Retributive Justice
- Satan’s Recruiting
- Armageddon
- The Seventh Bowl
- Rome
Becomes a Harlot
- Vision
in the Wilderness
- The
Scarlet Woman
- Beast
the Harlot Rode
- The
Fall of Babylon
- The
Final Desolation
- The
Rejoicing Saints