The Divine Shepherd
The Psalmist wrote, The Lord is
My Shepherd. Isaiah pictured God
Feeding his flock like a shepherd,
And holding the lambs in his arms.
This was the title Jesus took for himself
I am the good shepherd. Hebrews speaks
Of Jesus that great shepherd of the sheep.
Of the sheep. Do you know Him?
He became a sacrifice for us.
He leads to fountains of living water.
The trusting Psalmist said, With thee
Is the fountain of life.
And God will wipe away every tear
From their eyes. As he nourishes our
Bodies, he also comforts our hearts,
Or the sorrows would be unbearable.
God’s people possess peace, joy and
Victory. Every want is supplied;
Every sorrow healed, and every
Tear is wiped away.
Next Poem Index of
(c) Rex H. Henderson 2003 - All poems are copyrighted by Rex
H. Henderson and are used by permission.
Joy and Sorrow
- Measuring the Temple
- The Two Witnesses
- Things to Come
- Mother and Her Child
- The Forces at War
- War in Heaven
- Devil and the Beast
- Christian’s Only
- The Second Beast
- The Father’s Own
- The Imitation of Christ
- Angels Bring Good
- A Voice from Heaven
- The Harvest of Judgment
- The Victors of Christ
- The Song of Victory
- Unapproachable
- Retributive Justice
- Satan’s Recruiting
- Armageddon
- The Seventh Bowl
- Rome
Becomes a Harlot
- Vision
in the Wilderness
- The
Scarlet Woman
- Beast
the Harlot Rode
- The
Fall of Babylon
- The
Final Desolation
- The
Rejoicing Saints