The Second Beast
In league with the dragon (devil),
And the first beast (emperor) to
To enforce emperor worship.
Severe consequence followed.
Those who would not worship the first
Beast were marked and forbidden to buy,
Or sell in the market place.
Let’s gaze at the second beast.
He had two horns like a lamb an
Outward religious appearance;
The lamb was a religious symbol.
He speaks with diabolical authority.
His power was derived from the
Roman state or the Emperor.
He was to enforce state religion
With power to enforce homage.
So we see tree members of the forces
Of evil. There is the dragon identified
With the devil. The first beast identified
As the wicked emperor Domitian.
The second beast is identified
With state religion to enforce
Emperor worship. There is a force
Which overcomes the forces of evil.
Next Poem Index of
(c) Rex H. Henderson 2003 - All poems are copyrighted by Rex
H. Henderson and are used by permission.
Joy and Sorrow
- Measuring the Temple
- The Two Witnesses
- Things to Come
- Mother and Her Child
- The Forces at War
- War in Heaven
- Devil and the Beast
- Christian’s Only
- The Second Beast
- The Father’s Own
- The Imitation of Christ
- Angels Bring Good
- A Voice from Heaven
- The Harvest of Judgment
- The Victors of Christ
- The Song of Victory
- Unapproachable
- Retributive Justice
- Satan’s Recruiting
- Armageddon
- The Seventh Bowl
- Rome
Becomes a Harlot
- Vision
in the Wilderness
- The
Scarlet Woman
- Beast
the Harlot Rode
- The
Fall of Babylon
- The
Final Desolation
- The
Rejoicing Saints