Poems on Revelation

Books in Print
by Rex Henderson

 - Christ Pre-eminent
 - John the Apostle
 - A Grotesque Figure
 - The Living Christ
 - The Church at Ephesus
 - The Poor Rich Church
 - Hell's Headquarters
 - Waiting for the Morning Star
 - Sardis: Dead or Alive?
 - Church with an Open Door
- Church with a Closed Door
 - The Glory of God
 - Glory of God the Creator
 - The Song of Creation
 - The Redeeming Lamb
 - The Redeeming Lamb (2)
 - The White Horse of Conquest
 - The Blood-Red Horse
 - The Black Horse of Famine
 - The Pale Horse and Pestilence
 - The Souls of the Martyrs
 - The Shattered Universe
 - Safely through the End Time
 - The Seal of God
 - Martyrs and Angels in Praise
 - The Praise of Angels
 - Cleansing from Sin
 - The Blood of the Lamb
Sacrifice and Acceptance
 - The Bliss of the Blessed
 - The Divine Shepherd
 - Silence and Thunder
 - Trumpets, Woes and Warnings
 - The Flying Eagle
 - Demonic Horror
 - The Cavalry of Vengeance
 - The Feared Cavalry
 - The Unutterable Revelation
 - Delay No Longer

The Church at Ephesus

Ephesus was a city of culture,
A famed center of pagan
Worship and the ancient Temple
Of Artemis known everywhere.

But Christ Jesus, omnipotent and
Omnipresent, was aware of the
Church in Ephesus which received
Praise, complaint and promise.

She had been active and loyal to
To the Faith, but in time had lost her
First Love;
love for God and each
Other while fighting over doctrine.

Many churches have lost their
Pristine purity and love while
Scrapping and needling over
Strict doctrinal concerns.

They had fallen, and the journey
Back was to repent and do the things
They did at first,
or they will die out.
Churches can be half-dead and live.

The risen Christ makes a great
Promise to those who overcome;
They enter into the blessedness
Of the righteous kingdom of God.


Next Poem   Index of Poems


(c) Rex H. Henderson 2003 - All poems are copyrighted by Rex H. Henderson and are used by permission.

 - Joy and Sorrow
 - Measuring the Temple
 - The Two Witnesses
 - Things to Come
 - Mother and Her Child
- The Forces at War
- War in Heaven
- Devil and the Beast
- Christian’s Only Weapons
- The Second Beast
- The Father’s Own 
- The Imitation of Christ
- Angels Bring Good Tidings
- A Voice from Heaven
- The Harvest of Judgment
- The Victors of Christ
- The Song of Victory
- Unapproachable Glory
- Retributive Justice
- Satan’s Recruiting Agents
- Armageddon
- The Seventh Bowl

- Rome Becomes a Harlot
- Vision in the Wilderness
- The Scarlet Woman
Beast the Harlot Rode
- The Fall of Babylon
- The Final Desolation
- The Rejoicing Saints

Books in Print by Rex Henderson

Poetic Reflections on the Psalms More than 150 poems on themes from each of the Psalms.

Poems on the Book of Daniel

Poems on Revelation eBook

Download Poems on Revelation in Adobe PDF format

- The Victorious Warrior
- The Victorious Warrior (2)
Victory over Satan
- Triumph of the Martyrs
- The Overthrow of Satan
- Eternal Destinies
- The New Creation
- Destiny of the Redeemed
- The Destiny of the Redeemed (2)
- The Destiny of the Redeemed (3)
- The Conclusion of the Pageant


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(c) 2003 Wil Pounds, AbideInChrist.com, AbideInChrist.org are not associated in anyway with the owners of abideinchrist.xxx.