Poetic Reflections on the Psalms is available in Adobe Acrobat Reader
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Books in Print by Rex Henderson
Rex's report on a recent mission trip to Honduras
where he worked on a medical-dental-evangelism team in Cuyali, El Paraiso,
A Bold Man’s Praise (Psalm 138)
A Corrupt World and a Righteous God (Psalm 14)
A Great Missionary Hymn (Psalm 96)
A Little Psalm, Large in Spirit (Psalm 117)
A Morning Psalm (Psalm 3)
A National Anthem (Psalm 20)
A Nation Pleads with
God (Psalm 74)
A Passion for God and People (Psalm 79)
A Poor Man’s Rich Legacy (Psalm 34)
A Prayer of David (Psalm 17)
A Psalm of
Exuberance (Psalm 98)
A Prayer of Moses (Psalm 90)
A Psalm of
Thanksgiving (Psalm 66)
A Psalm for
Old Age (Psalm 71)
A Royal Proclamation (Psalm 101)
A Sly Fox and his Fortress (Psalm 59)
A Song of Solomon (Psalm 72)
A Weak Man’s Strong Tribute
(Psalm 41)
A Wounded Soul Cries for Help (Psalm 38)
Actor in World Affairs (Psalm 10)
Almighty God, the Lord (Psalm 50)
Alone but for the Lord (Psalm 142)
An Appeal for Mercy (Psalm 86)
An Evening Prayer (Psalm 141)
An Evening Psalm (Psalm 4)
Bible Commentaries by great Bible believing scholars.
150 Poetic Reflections on the Psalms
is now available in one Microsoft eBook Reader with "Clear Type" 235k
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