
Sermons & Bible Studies

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  Poems on the Book of  Revelation

Poems on the Book of Daniel

by Rex H. Henderson

Poetic Reflections on the Psalms is available in Adobe Acrobat Reader format.

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Books in Print by Rex Henderson

Rex's report on a recent mission trip to Honduras where he worked on a medical-dental-evangelism team in Cuyali, El Paraiso, Honduras.

A Bold Man’s Praise  (Psalm 138)
A Corrupt World and a Righteous God   (Psalm 14)
A Great Missionary Hymn  (Psalm 96)
A Little Psalm, Large in Spirit  (Psalm 117)

A Morning Psalm  (Psalm 3)
A National Anthem  (Psalm 20)
A Nation Pleads with God  (Psalm 74)
A Passion for God and People  (Psalm 79)

A Poor Man’s  Rich Legacy  (Psalm 34)
A Prayer of David  (Psalm 17)
A Psalm of Exuberance  (Psalm 98)
A Prayer of Moses  (Psalm 90)
A Psalm of Thanksgiving  (Psalm 66)
A Psalm for Old Age  (Psalm 71)
A Royal Proclamation (Psalm 101)
A Sly Fox and his Fortress  (Psalm 59)
A Song of Solomon (Psalm 72)
A Weak Man’s Strong Tribute   (Psalm 41)
A Wounded Soul Cries for Help  (Psalm 38)
Actor in World Affairs   (Psalm 10)
Almighty God, the Lord  (Psalm 50)
Alone but for the Lord  (Psalm 142)
An Appeal for Mercy  (Psalm 86)
An Evening Prayer  (Psalm 141)

An Evening Psalm  (Psalm 4)


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All 150 Poetic Reflections on the Psalms is now available in one Microsoft eBook Reader with "Clear Type" 235k file. Click here to download these  poems in Microsoft Reader format.

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Believer is Like Mount Zion, The  (Psalm 125)
Betrayed for a Smile  (Psalm 54)
Best Refuge, The  (Psalm 11)
Big and Little Books, The  (Psalm 19)
Big Judges in little Pants  (Psalm 58)
Blessings of a Christian Home  (Psalm 128)
Blessedness of the Righteous Man, The  (Psalm 112)
Blessedness of Trust in God’s Providence  (Psalm 37)
By the Rivers of Babylon  (Psalm 137)

Cast Down, but Not Destroyed  (Psalm 129)
City of God, The  (Psalm 48)
City of our God, The  (Psalm 87)
Come, Worship with Joy  (Psalm 95)
Coming Toward the End  (VI)  (Psalm 119)

Confession, Cleansing and Renewal  (Psalm 51)
Creation is God’s Pleasure  (Psalm 104)
Creature of a Day  (Psalm 39)

Dark Night of the Soul, The  (Psalm 88)
Death and Prosperity  (Psalm 49)
Depression and It’s Cure  (Psalms 42-43)
Divine Holiness  (Psalm 99)
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Enduring Love Forever  (Psalm 118)
Evil for Evil’s Sake  (Psalm 140)

First Example, The   (II) (Psalm 119)
Fools and Faith  (Psalm 53)
Forgiveness and Blessedness (Psalm 32)
Forgiveness and Blessedness  (Psalm 33)
Frailty Anchored in Eternity  (Psalm 102)
Friendship Betrayed  (Psalm 55)
From Here to Zion  (Psalm 120)
Fugitive Finds Refuge  (Psalm 57)

God’s Ark Placed in Zion  (Psalm 132)
God’s Blessings Are Essential  (Psalm 127)
God’s Blessings on His People (Psalm 144)

God’s Deeds Made Known  (Psalm 105)
God’s Love Better Than Life  (Psalm 63)
God’s Love Endures Forever  (Psalm 136)
God May be Known, That  (Psalm 67)
God Saving His People  (Psalm 68)
God the Righteous Judge  (Psalm 94)

Good Gifts Come from God  (Psalm 65)
Good man and the Bad man, The  (Psalm 1)
Goodness of God Celebrated, The  (Psalm 147)
Gratitude For Miraculous Blessings  (Psalm 30)
Great Is Your Faithfulness  (Psalm 89)

Growing in Grace  (Psalm 131)

Help of the Helpless  (Psalm 116)
His Holy Feet
Honest Doubter Triumphs, The  (Psalm 73)
Hope in God Alone  (Psalm 28)

If We Go with God  (Psalm 60)
Important You, The  (Psalm 35)
In the Agony of Pain  (Psalm 6)

Judges Yes, But there’s God  (Psalm 82)

King of the Earth, The  (Psalm 47)

Learn, Find, and Obey (III) Psalm 119)
Leaves and Life
“Let All the People Say, 'Amen'”  (Psalm 106)
Like Men Who Dream  (Psalm 126)
Looking Upward  (Psalm 123)
Lord, the Lord Almighty, The  (Psalm 29)

Magic of Faith, The  (Psalm 13)
May God be Exalted  (Psalm 70)
May Your Face Shine upon Us  (Psalm 80) 
Meeting of Righteousness and Peace  (Psalm 85)

Messianic Wedding Song, The  (Psalm 45)
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My God is My Rock  (Psalm 18)
My Light and My Salvation  (Psalm 27)


National Thanksgiving  (Psalm 21)

O God Answer My Prayer  (Psalm 143)
“O My People…”  (Psalm 81)
Only One Sure Refuge  (Psalm 46)
Only Safe in God Alone  (Psalm 62)
Our Awesome God  (Psalm 76)
Our Awesome God  (Psalm 97)
Our God Reigns  (Psalm 75)
Our Wonderful Priest and King  (Psalm 110)

Out of the Depths Pearls Are Found  (Psalm 130)

Pearl of the Psalms, The  (Psalm 23)
Pit, Savior and Rock  (Psalm 40)
Praise and Blessing in Zion  (Psalm 134)
Praise Him, Praise Him  (Psalm 150)
Praise of David, The  (Psalm 145)
Praise the Lord in Song  (Psalm 149)

“Praise the Lord, O My Soul”  (Psalm 103)
Praise the Lord, O My Soul  (Psalm 146)

Praise, Triumph and Confidence  (Psalm 9)
Praising God’s Providence  (Psalm 111)
Praising the Eternal King  (Psalm 93)
Prayer and Meditation  (Psalm 25)
Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem  (Psalm 122)
Preamble, The  (I) (Psalm 119)
Presence of God, The  (Psalm 5)
Psalm for the Sabbath, A  (Psalm 92)
Psalm of Precious Secret, The  (Psalm 16)
Psalm of Thanksgiving, The  (Psalm 100)
Psalm of the Cross, The  (Psalm 22)
Psalm of the Doorkeeper, The (Psalm 84)

Question and Answer, The  (Psalm 15)

Reflections from the Psalm  (Psalm 109)
Remembering His Blessings  (Psalm 77)
Righteous Judgment for a Wicked Man  (Psalm 52)
Righteous Suffer for the Healing of Society, The  (Psalm 12)
Rock Higher than I, The  (Psalm 61)
Rock of Refuge, The  (Psalm 31)

Safe in God’s Thought and Hands  (Psalm 139)
Sentence of Life, The (Psalm 3)
Servant and Saint Praise God  (Psalm 135)
Sinner’s Destiny, The
Song of the Exodus  (Psalm 114)
Song of Happy Service. The  (Psalm 36)
Song of the Ascension, The  (Psalm 24)
Sorrows and Savior  (Psalm 69)

Splendor of His Name, The  (Psalm 8)
Sudden Destruction of Wicked Men  (Psalm 64)
The Surrounding Foe  (Psalm 83)
“Sweetly My Soul Shall Rest”

Teachings from Israel’s History  (Psalm 78)
“Through Many Toils and Snares”  (Psalm 107)

Trumpet Sound of a Victor, The  (Psalm 7)
Trust in God  (Psalm 115)

Under His Wings  (Psalm 91)
Unfailing Love  (Psalm 44)
Unity in the Kingdom  (Psalm 133)
Universe Praises God, The  (Psalm 148)

Unto the Hills  (Psalm 121)
Ultimate Revelation, The

Walking, Loving and Praying  (V) (Psalm 119)
Walking On Level Ground  (Psalm 26)
Warrior’s Morning Song, The  (Psalm 108)
What Can Man Do to Me?  (Psalm 56)
What If?  (Psalm 124)
Where Is Your Faithfulness?  (Psalm 89)
Who is Like God?  (Psalm 113)
Who’s in Charge?  (Psalm 2)
Word, Love for, and Clarity, The  (IV)  (Psalm 119)

(c) Rex H. Henderson 2003 - All poems are copyrighted by Rex H. Henderson.


Sermons & Bible Studies

Abide in Christ

Christ in Old Testament

Personal Growth

Daily Devotions

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